What would you do?



  • cblack51
    cblack51 Posts: 20
    I would take a few bites of everything I wanted to taste, adding more veggies to my plate and not feel guilty about it. It is harder to stay on a diet if you have to deprive yourself . I would count it as a lunch or dinner.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I just went to a BBQ like this not too far back! I burned some calories and ate a light breakfast/lunch then had a bit of everything at the party including cake. And like someone else mentioned, I just put the pulled pork on my plate, no bun.

    One meal with a little overindulgence shouldn't totally derail your efforts if you're staying on plan the rest of the week and get right back on track. Make sure you drink plenty of water as I'm sure some of those options are high in sodium.

    Not sure if you're plannig on having any alcohol but that's where I usually find the weakness comes in. Once you get a buzz-on, those inhibitions are gone and you think - screw the diet bring on more cake! So, if you are planning on imbibing, drink slow and for every drink, have a big glass of water.

    Above all, have fun and don't stress!
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    Me being me, I would go mad and have whatever I like and get back on track the next day, work it off etc.

    I would find life incredibly boring if I watched what I eat all the time. Got to have allowances sometimes.

    But hey, that's just me. Not the best choice for losing weight but life would be boring otherwise XD
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    Honestly, it's not THAT bad a menu. I'd try and eat lighter during the day, eat a healthy high protein snack before going and then putting a reasonable amount on your plate. Try the plate method and have half the plate full of veggies, 1/4 with protein, and 1/4 with everything else. And drink a lot of water.
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    It seems like there is always a party/event where I don't have a lot of control over the food. I have to do things like this a good bit and this is what works for me:
    1) Eat well during the day, but on the lighter side.
    2) Drink lots of water all day to fill yourself up
    3) Get a good workout in the day of the party as well as the days before.
    4) At the party, eat a small portion of the things you'd really like to have (BBQ & beans for example)
    5)Fill up on veggies if you are still hungry
    6) The cake is up to you, do you have enough calories for it, could you take a very small piece instead of a big slice, could you eat just a few bites. No one will probably even notice if you don't take any (I skip it a lot b/c sugar like that can send me into a sugar binge, but I'll indulge occasionally).
    7)Enjoy yourself...parties are often focused around food, but the real reason is celebrating someone/something and hanging out and having fun. Don't make it about the food and it won't be.
    8)Get right back to eating well and working out the next day.

    Good luck and have fun!!
  • courtclerkkris
    courtclerkkris Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks for all the advise. Think I might ask my friend who is going and also trying to lose weight if she wants to bring her tennis shoes and then we might just disappear for 45 minutes or so and get a couple miles in!! Will be a cool evening and if it isn't raining no one will ever know that we disappeared for a walk. Can make up an excuse to go to Sonic for a soda!! Hee Hee

    Wish me luck!