Vegetarian dilemma

Question: If you are vegetarian and you accidently eat meat does that count? I went to dinner last night with friends and they didn’t have anything vegetarian. I ended up ordering several sides. In one of the sides was a twice baked potato. I asked the waitress what was in it and she said the usual loaded toppings (including bacon pieces). She says that I could get it without the bacon. Great, that’s what I watned then.

It comes out and it is really hot so I let it cool, take three to four bites max and realize that there is bacon in it. I don’t know if the pieces I ate had bacon in it or not, but if I can’t verify it then I have to count it.

Bit of back story: I have a 30 under 30 list and one of the items is being vegetarian for a month, I was on day #11.

Should I start over and go back to Day 1?

It wasn’t my fault and I specifically told her why I didn’t want any meat. (I mean really, how long has she worked there and didn’t know they couldn’t be removed?)

Help! I need YOUR opinion!


  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I wouldn't sweat it. For me, the idea of being a vegetarian is to simply just do my best. We don't expect perfection in most aspects of our lives, so why must food be any different? While I strive for 100% animal-free eating, I can live with a 5% chance of error. I wish you the best in sticking with it. This is the healthiest way to eat that I can think of. If you get a chance, see the movie "Forks Over Knives".
  • maddielu
    maddielu Posts: 12
    you're fine. as long as you are making the conscious effort to not eat meat then you can still consider yourself vegetarian. if you had continued to eat the bacon then it would be iffy.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    its a lifestyle choice, you didn't re-decide to be a veggie. Accidents will happen. I just would ignor them and move on from then.
    I had some friends that would slip peperoni under the cheese of my pizza. Did I start being veggie over. . nope.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    It was an accident. As long as you don't order a burger yourself, you should be fine.

    I have accidentally ate meat sometimes too. When someone gave me food and I didn't realise it had meat in it. I have been vegetarian for about 6 years, I usually just spit the food out and ask for the meal to be returned.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    There are no vegetarian police out there hauling you to meat eating jail. You are making this change for you, and you control what you can. You can't control accidents. I have inadvertently eaten many a meat product. It happens. I'm sure I have eaten more mea products than I am aware if. I'm still a vegetarian.....