Need non-food ways to reward myself



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My rewards are every 10 pounds, when I see a new set...
    I wasn't rewarding myself before b/c I was too disappointed in myself for getting so heavy. Now that I feel better about my body, I got more excited about potential rewards.

    199: spa day of 90 minute massage and mani/padi with french tip
    189: this ruffled denim jacket I've been eyeing for ages
    179: a new winter coat
    169: not sure yet...I've also been trying to come up with ideas. Maybe a theater night out in a fancy dress with hubby.
    160: new skating skirt
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    If i hit my goals or keep my gym commitments for the month I get a pedi/mani. It's only $25 where i go, so after tip i'm at 35 dollars for something that makes me feel beautiful for the month.Granted, the mani doesn't last as long but i'm a fan of pretty feet and it's one less thing to worry about. It's also a great way to pamper the feet that carry you throught those workouts :)
    I have the same reward for myself, but usually it's every 2 months because I don't have the kind of money to go once a month.
    I also like to buy an accessory or new shoes (at Target or Pay Less) or buy myself a Groupon deal that caught my eye.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    Has anyone mentioned shopping?

    Shopping is the female equivalent of sports... It takes all day,it's hit or miss, and we can lose track of time while doing it.
    (wait a sec... That sounds like too many other things)
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    Every week I lose even a little bit I treat myself to something. I will buy myself a new compact, lipstick, nail polish, pen, anything small just to give myself a little congratulations. I also reward myself for bigger losses by doing something nice for myself like a hair cut and color, special day out, movie, etc. I have found rewarding myself a little for my weekly losses and then big for my big goals really keeps me motivated:)
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Personally, I would like to enjoy looking in the mirror. I hated it before and now, I am getting used to looking for more than a few seconds.

    What about something for the house? Personally, I love house items, so getting a new appliance, so maybe a new blender, or a chopper. lol I am so pitiful. I know. lol

    I am all out of free ideas, though
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    I'm LOVING these ideas! (And compiling a list....I love
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    For my 1st 2 goals I rewarded myself generously with a new pair of running shoes, and then a Coach purse I found at the Outlets for $65. When I hit 30 Ibs Iam going to do a Spa day complete with a facial, mani, pedi, and a message.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    If you have a thing for piercings. you could get some new ones. For a special Treat to myself when I was doing real well. I got 3 new ones done. a orbital and two smaller ones. For when I lose the rest of the weight.I'm going to get a small Corset piercing done!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm rewarding myself with small items at ever ten-pound marker. Each item I buy has a symbolic meaning too. It sounds so cheesy when I say it out loud, but it's making a huge impact on how I feel about my journey and the long road ahead.

    The first time I got below a 10-mark (hit 209 pounds) I bought myself a new watch. It's a $13 Target watch, but it's cute. I bought the watch because it's "Time" to get my act together and make a chage in my life. Once I reach the next 10-mark I'm buying myself new makeup fixing spray, that helps my makeup stick on my face. Every morning when I spray my face, it will remind me that I am making this lifestyle change 'stick'. Then maybe a new pair of shoes, to remind myself to put one foot in front of the other ...

    Find things that mean something to you and find ways to incorporate that in to your goals.
  • craig1768
    craig1768 Posts: 44 Member
    I send the kids to my mothers house for a week :).
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    working through my first 20 i would buy a new workout top pr DVD to keep me motivated