Cheat days



  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm the kind that if I have a cheat day, the next day I feel horrible and bloated so I think "what's the point?" My motto this time around is "there are no cheat days, only cheat meals". If i know I'm going night, I plan for it that day and try to eat really healthy. And exercise. That's what always makes me feel like a cheat is okay. Reward yourself when you get to a milestone in your journey. :))
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    @drmomm - yup. I don't see it as a diet - so there is no cheating. This is a lifelong change for me so I don't forego anything - I just allow for it. That's not to say I don't mess up sometimes but all in all I stick to a plan.
  • asiamonique
    asiamonique Posts: 9 Member
    I normally have a cheat meal on weekends. I'm normally on the go during the week and must keep my meals light and as healthy as possible, so a cheat meal or snack on the weekends is not really an issue and if anything it motivates my workouts even more during the week. =)! Its all a personal thing really. What do YOU want? Yea you may crave it, but its a mind over matter thing. Just try your hardest not to make a habit of the cheat meal or snack, a habitual thing. =)!!!!!!
  • asiamonique
    asiamonique Posts: 9 Member
    I normally have a cheat meal on weekends. I'm normally on the go during the week and must keep my meals light and as healthy as possible, so a cheat meal or snack on the weekends is not really an issue and if anything it motivates my workouts even more during the week. =)! Its all a personal thing really. What do YOU want? Yea you may crave it, but its a mind over matter thing. Just try your hardest not to make a habit of the cheat meal or snack, a habitual thing. =)!!!!!!
  • tinacrane
    tinacrane Posts: 134 Member
    I don't take or need cheat days because I am not on a diet. If I want fast food or an evening cocktail, I make sure to log it and work it into my daily calories. For me, this is a lifestyle, not a diet and I do not deprive myself of any food I really crave. Sometimes I may have to really bust some calories for that small slice of cake with ice cream- but if I want it- I do it without a 'cheat' day.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I try to think of MFP as a complete lifestyle change. I know that sounds cliche, but I try not to deprive myself and some days are better than others. If I want pizza, I have one slice instead of five, like I used to. It's all about moderation for me.

    I agree, moderation is key!

    When I do have a 'cheat' meal I still log it. Sometimes I will go over my calories sometimes I wont [I am finding that I make better choices now anyway as it's just part of my lifestyle]

    I don't view it as cheat meal either - it is just a meal that I haven't prepared myself LOL!
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I don't do "cheat" days anymore. They were part of the key to my failure in the past. Cheat days often turned into cheat weekends and then cheat years. =/
    My opinion and outlook is this. In order to be healthy and change my life, my eating healthier has to be a lifestyle change and something I will keep up for good. I can't/won't go back to eating the way I did before. So with it being part of my life, I find it unrealistic to figure I will never again have pizza, a slice of cheesecake, a chili dog, etc... So I don't believe in saying I "can't" have it. It just makes you want it more because it's suddenly a forbidden thing and when you get it, I bet a lot of people have been like me and tend to totally gorge themselves on "cheat" days. For me, it's much better for me to control the situation and say it's not that I "CAN'T" have these totally unhealthy but yummy foods, it's that I CHOOSE not to. If I really really want something. I just have it, try to watch my portions and move on the next meal or next day. I wanted mexican the other night, so when we went to my fave place I had my fajitas and split a flan with my MIL for dessert. :) I think having cheat days implies you're doing something wrong and sets up a negative mindset. IMO only though! :)
    Just be Smart and in Control of what you eat and there's no need to have "Cheat" days.
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    I don't take or need cheat days because I am not on a diet. If I want fast food or an evening cocktail, I make sure to log it and work it into my daily calories. For me, this is a lifestyle, not a diet and I do not deprive myself of any food I really crave. Sometimes I may have to really bust some calories for that small slice of cake with ice cream- but if I want it- I do it without a 'cheat' day.

    You summed up my thoughts beautifully. If you look at your eating activities as "good" or "bad"...or "correct" vs. "cheating", you're just inserting morality into what is a basic human process, and it's going to cause you unnecessary stress when you "behave wrong". And how healthy is that? Moderation, exercise, and staying aware of my consumption over the long-term is the approach I'm taking.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    I don't take or need cheat days because I am not on a diet. If I want fast food or an evening cocktail, I make sure to log it and work it into my daily calories. For me, this is a lifestyle, not a diet and I do not deprive myself of any food I really crave. Sometimes I may have to really bust some calories for that small slice of cake with ice cream- but if I want it- I do it without a 'cheat' day.

    Totally agree with this as well, eat what I want as long and work it into my Calories each day
  • TxAngel79
    TxAngel79 Posts: 318 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I don't look at this as a diet, but as a life change! I want to be more healthier! I don't like sweets at all, and not real fond of salty things! However every once in a while, I do get a strange craving for something sweet(like a butterfinger)! I wil just add my cravings into a daily diary. Who knows, it might not be that often at all!
  • babybod
    babybod Posts: 12
    I believe every food in moderation is ok. I have went over my calories for eating something that I crave but I don't think that is cheating I believe it is taming the beast before it gets to bad. After I do that I am fine. So eat what you want but be healthy!
  • Everyone is different, find what works best for you. I have a "free day" every couple of weeks, usually on a Saturday. I also have a "free snack" every two or three days. I just make sure i don't go over my calorie goal with the free snack. I have been using MFP since late April. I started trying to eat healthier in March, after blood tests showed cholesterol at 241, sugar 6.1, and triglycerides way too high. After a month of eating healthier (and not even thinking about my weight) I discovered I had lost 11 pounds without even trying. After another 2 months, my 2nd blood tests showed cholesterol at 175, sugar at 4.6, and triglycerides down by 74 points, and my weight down by a total of 24.5 lbs. My doctor was ecstatic, and so was I. My total weight loss is now at 29.5 lbs. MFP has helped me stay focused and encouraged. Yesterday someone even made a remark that made my spirit soar. A stranger said "you are so tiny, how do you cart around those heavy bags?" I was walking on air for the rest of the day. Hang in there and try different strategies until you find what works best for you.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Every Friday night i booze it up and eat whatever i want. Your supposed to celebrate like this ever week. It's actually good for your metabolism then the other 6 days of a week i eat totally healthy and sensibly. It's not cheating its indulging and part of my healthy lifestyle.
  • my cheat nights only come after I bust my butt earlier in the day.. like after running 5+mi or a really hard spin class we will go out and I'll order whatever sounds good. :)

    I vote for do what works for you and your ability to get back on track after a cheat day. If you can't control yourself the next day, I would avoid them.
  • Cmon78
    Cmon78 Posts: 67 Member
    I don't have cheat days. I just eat whatever I want in moderation and as long as it's within my calories. This is a healthy lifestyle change for me so I don't need or want that day to go overboard....I know I would feel horrible the next day and have to workout even harder to shed those extra calories.
  • I have to have a 'free' day rather than a 'free' meal. I am the type that if I have 1 chocolate (or cookie, or whatever) it is too easy to have 1 more. If I have a free day, I know that for that day, I can have whatever I want, and then it is back to business the next day. It just works better for me that way. As others have said, you have to do what works for you.
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    I had one of those days today... not intentionally, but... it happened. I fixed my husband bisquits and gravy w/ turkey links and blueberry pancakes and... I just had to have some too!!! Pumped up my calorie intake for the day to almost the max!!! So, I got on that treadmill and burned half of those calories away. ( I usually exercise at night ) So, when I added my exercises in that I did to burn some of those calories, I was able to fit the healthier things in my goals for the day. My salad, turkey , double wheat bread, fiber one yogurt.... I just got on that treadmill and walked those calories off and I feel great!!
  • Yes, I get one cheat day, but it's not like I eat a whole cake or a whole bag of chips or anything. I just allow myself to be a little looser and not measure and have a dessert.
  • I used to have a cheat day once a week and I still lost tons of weight..for some reason this time, it seems like if I cheat, I gain. Then I spend the whole next week trying to at least get back to where I started. I am so frustrated with this.
  • tinymite1
    tinymite1 Posts: 13 Member
    When I did weight watchers, I did have a cheat day with moderate sucess, but had since gained weight back after stopping WW. I've been on here now for over ten days and have not had a cheat day until today. I am hoping that a cheat day once in awhile will help me detour the cravings I get. However, I am not eating totally all fat free and diet foods, but I am eating in moderation and exercising more than previously so I hope that helps too.