My Dr.. NO HELP!



  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Doctors are people too. Some suck at their job, others don't. Your doctor sucks at his job, find a new one.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Find a new doctor!!!
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    Find a new doctor. Get a few personal training sessions at the gym, and talk to a nutritionist!

    Your doctor is an idiot.

    God bless!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member

    Hello, bunches. In my opinion, she expressed health concerns regarding her stomach fat. While he gave her a pat on the knee, repeated to her the family physiology and told her to get over it, he did nothing to give her alternatives she might explore, like exercise. I don't expect any professional to wave a magic wand, but I certainly don't expect them to be patronizing as was he.

    I see you would like to be a physician. Having inspected health care facilities and physician for decades for care issues, I do hope you develop a "bed-side manner" that appeared to elude her physician, i.e, you treat the total patient not just the presenting medical/non-medical problem and are able to communicate in a civil, respectful manner.

    Have a good day!

    We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

    He's not a nutritionist. He's not a personal trainer. He maybe, could have recommended that she see one, but he has to go along with the training and the knowledge he has. Just because you have an MD after your name does not mean you have all of this information at your fingertips, what the best exercises are, exactly how to restrict her diet. If he was a GP, he used what he had. And that was that, she is a healthy gal, who has no health related issue to worry about. He tried to get her to not worry, because he sees her as worrying needlessly. We see him pointing at her because he sees her issue as a visual one, but not what he was actually trying to tell her.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I had a doctor who didn't quite understand what I was getting at once. Her answer seemed off to me as well. And then I reiterated what I meant and expressed more of my concern. When she got it, her answer changed and I got the information I was looking for. We have to remember, we're only hearing one side of a patient/doctor interaction. We have to advocate for ourselves.

    I've shadowed before, been in the doctor's lounge and had the opportunity to hear all about patient/doctor interaction before, from the doctor's perspective. Most of them come from the spirit of caring. Many of the reflections of patients I've seen come from some very frustrated doctors.
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    You are not alone. The same thing happened to me (and I am 5'4" and weighed in at 183). My bloodwork was great and BP normal etc etc. I knew I was obese, but I live in an area where I look skinny compared to everyone else--including everyone in the Drs office.
    I just control of my life on my own. GPs don't seem to care --or they are not trained--about preventative medicine. It seems easier for them to wait until there is a problem, then the drug reps tell them which pills to have you take.
  • I have also tried to talk to my Dr. about my weight and the response i got was we think you look fine. this is not acceptable!!! my weight is also in the mid section and i hate it!! the rest of me I'm happy with. i wasn't looking for a magic pill all i wanted was advice.

    Seriously though, they gave you advice. Medical advice.

    Your looks, and that you don't like having fat around the middle, is not what your doctor is concerned about.

    If you want someone to help you lose weight regardless, go to a nutritionist and get a personal trainer.

    I was initially concerned because BOTH my mother and father are severly diabetic and my mom has heart disease... We are built the same.. chicken legs.. no butt.. boobs forever and a fatty mid section... I have had 3 children and at 37 I am healthy without medical issues and VERY thankful... I do have a few pounds to lose... And like most women always interested in the vanity portion...

    I do accept that this particular Dr. PERSONALLY feels as though I am "Just fine" but when a big boobed girl (40DDD) can see belly fat above her waist band and under her boobs.. she has some work to do... Today I am 183.. at 5'4" I have at LEAST 30lbs to lose..
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    I am one of her family members and when your mother has had 3 heart attacks and you are sharing her body get concerned....change docs Rebecca! See if you can get a referral to a nutritionist also. You might need to change your macro more fiber, less carbs(including non bread carbs, etc) Who knows but they can help you with that.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I would assume that the doctor didn't come out of nowhere with a healthy diagnois. If they did, then, they suck. However, if they ran diagnostics and all of those came out looking beautiful, then she can be healthy and thicker. The fat on your body, in and of itself, is not the problem. It is a risk factor, but it is not THE problem.

    There are a lot of VERY healthy overweight people.
  • I think the thing that was most unsettling to me is that he brushed it off as if I was vain.. Im not a vain person and my biggest concern is developing health issues.. I know they don't happen overnight and I would like to thwart off the possibilities of any diseases or issues starting sooner than my due time...

    He WAS a new dr. for me and I won't be going back for obvious reasons.. But I also wanted to reassure myself that I wasn't just running away becuase he suggested I enjoy my flab...

    I appreciate all the responses and the hopeful Doc giving another prespective. I do believe this particular Doc is set in his ways accepts what life gives him and is more of an in and out (of the office) Doc...
  • I would assume that the doctor didn't come out of nowhere with a healthy diagnois. If they did, then, they suck. However, if they ran diagnostics and all of those came out looking beautiful, then she can be healthy and thicker. The fat on your body, in and of itself, is not the problem. It is a risk factor, but it is not THE problem.

    There are a lot of VERY healthy overweight people.

    I would say that I AM a healthy "overwight" person.. However it WILL catch up to me im sure. I am not a believer that you can be a healthy heavy forever...

    My mom was seemingly healthy.. until her first heartattack out of the blue at 47 years old...
  • ivy2009
    ivy2009 Posts: 75
    First congrats on all of the weight you have lost. I agree tha you should ind a new doctor. Get a doctor who will run the medical numbers for you, your cholesterol, blood sugarm body mass index, etc. Belly fat is all over the medical literature as one of the largest predicters of cancer. Belly fat is a cancer factory. Figure out what your PERCENTAGE OF BODY FAT IS NOW and what it should be to be healthy. That will put you in a very healthy category. Also working on losing belly fat, building your core, abs and back will keep you from getting low back problems. And no, you are not trying to be Cindy Crawford. You just want to be in a healthier category to recuce your risk of disease, increase your quality of life, and look and feel a bit better.
  • First congrats on all of the weight you have lost. I agree tha you should ind a new doctor. Get a doctor who will run the medical numbers for you, your cholesterol, blood sugarm body mass index, etc. Belly fat is all over the medical literature as one of the largest predicters of cancer. Belly fat is a cancer factory. Figure out what your PERCENTAGE OF BODY FAT IS NOW and what it should be to be healthy. That will put you in a very healthy category. Also working on losing belly fat, building your core, abs and back will keep you from getting low back problems. And no, you are not trying to be Cindy Crawford. You just want to be in a healthier category to recuce your risk of disease, increase your quality of life, and look and feel a bit better.

    EXACTLY!! Although Cindy is pretty.. I have no