3rd week discouraged

This is my 3rd week. I lost 6lbs the first and 3lbs the second. yay! This week I stayed on track(under my calories) and exercised 6 days(tae bo, 30 mins) but my scale read either I didn't lose or I lost one pound just depended on how I stood on it. So I went to the WII fit scale and it said I lost 1lb so I went with that but I'm not excited because I really don't think I lost. Then I ask myself if I am doing something wrong to have already stopped losing weight? This is what always happens to me in my past weightloss journeys. I lose and gain in a month that I never seem to move in the right direction that I give up. Am I miscalculating something or is tae bo really not that many calories??? I hate the scale.


  • RichardWhitman
    RichardWhitman Posts: 105 Member
    I think you are doing it exactly right.....

    Read this - may give you some pointers.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Don't be discouraged. Believe it or not, consistency is not key when it comes to weight loss. The body does not want to lose weight and will adjust to your regimen. Have a cheat day and let your calorie intake increase. Increase your tae bo to an hour or do two 30 minute sessions a day. Incorporate some strength training into your routine (strength training will help you burn extra calories).
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Usually, weight loss slows down significantly by the 3rd or 4th week of this new lifestyle. The first couple weeks our bodies lose a lot of water weight that we've been holding onto (especially if we've really changed our eating habits). Once you hit the 3rd or 4th week, your body has adjusted to the new foods and isn't retaining water like it was. So, you'll see a slow down in weight loss. Keep doing what you're doing - eat healthy, workout, and make sure you are NETTING the calories MFP sets for you.

    You didn't put the weight on overnight, it won't come off overnight. 1-2lb weight loss per week is considered normal and healthy. :)
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    You will lose weight fast at the beginning -- most of which is water weight. Things will slow down and you should be between 1-2 lbs a week, depending on how much you have to lose. PLEASE try not to get discouraged! MFP does work if you keep with it. Remember, you didn't gain weight over night and you aren't going to lose it over night :)
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    You're doing wonderfully. Anytime you start something new, your body will drop water weight pretty quickly then the third or fourth week, weight loss starts reflecting fat loss. Healthy weight loss targets after water weight goes for most people is 0.5-2 lbs so you have not stalled. Remember, this takes time and perseverance is the way to get there.
  • somebody told me the other day that most diets fail on week 3 because we see progress for the 1st two weeks and our bodies are just figuring out what is happpening.....He told me to just hang on and the weight will come off. It has to....it is science!
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    I do Tae Bo also and if you're searching "Tae Bo" under this site, I think the calorie burn info is WAY off -- the one I do is a 55 min DVD, which when I put in 55 min it comes back 917 calories burned. While I know I burned, there is no way I burned that much. My suggestion would be a HRM so you can actually track your calories during exercise. I try to not invest TOO much thought into my scale because I know from the exercise I'm doing, I'm losing inches. I weigh myself once a week but I have been doing a lot of exercise and I know that can initially have a negative effect when weighing yourself. I really hate the scale right now, as a matter of fact. In the market for a new one because I think the one I have is way off. I've been using my Wii Fit to weigh myself.
  • Robrowald
    Robrowald Posts: 64 Member
    I don't necessarily care about the scale, I go by how I feel and how things fit. My weight can fluctuate as much as 7 pounds on any given day, so the scale can be discouraging if you strictly look at it as your guiding factor. I have fought through many plateaus in my journey and I have always found that shaking up the diet a bit and changing exercise patterns helps to break them. The number one thing you need to do is keep a positive attitude, it's amazing how much that can help. If you need encouragement add me as friend and I will try to keep you motivated.,
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I dropped quite a bit my first few weeks, probably mostly water, but then weeks three and four I lost nothing and actually gained a couple pounds back. I think some of it may have been related to being in a state of hormonal flux. Anyway, it started dropping again week 5 and has been steady ever since. Just keep at it. Your body has it's own pace with these things - keep giving it healthy food and exercise and it will reward you.
  • What is a HRM?
  • antinvc
    antinvc Posts: 5 Member
    Ever watch the Biggest Loser? Trainers, constant workouts and diets sometimes equals 0 weight loss. It might be time to mix things up like intensity and length of workouts. Also stay away from the scale. Weight yourself every 10-12 days. Your body will resist your fat-loss efforts. Sometimes it takes a little convincing that you're not giving up on that effort.
  • barbacasec
    barbacasec Posts: 106
    HRM = Heart Rate Monitor-
    get one with a chest strap.