Bouncing back from a BAD eating day :(

MindyLynn77 Posts: 126
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
:cry: So yesterday we had our annual Hospice health fair.. and I ate SO for breakfast, bacon egg and cheese biscuit, hashbrown, AND SWEET tea.. at the haelth fair..... Fried chicken, baked macaroni, crawfish pasta, bread pudding with whiskey sauce, chocolate cake, white cake... and today, right now..... im eating sonic.............. a glutten for punishment! wtf is wrong with me the past 2 days?? THIS ISNT ME! Im stressed, and tired...but id prefer to not look for "excuses" ill just take the blame and say IM WEAK!!! Thankfully i work a 16 hour shift tomorrow, so ill not even have the OPPORTUNITY to be STUPID!! Ill pack my healthy breakfast lunch and supper and be done with it! Then ill be back on track...... Does this happen to any of yall? ya have a bad day, and then it seems like its hard to come back from it? or am i just a pathetic loser? come on, be honest, i can take it LOL


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    We all have bad meals (or days!). They key is not to let it send you into a downward spiral. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep on moving forward!
  • I ate Chinese food yesterday and my scale hated me today! So much sodium yesterday it said I gained 6 lbs!!!!!!!!! Obviously water weight. So today, I am drinking LOTS OF WATER, and eating almost no sodium! It happens. No worries
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    We all have bad days. The key is to just get back up the next day and not beat yourself up over it. The harder you are on yourself the more likely you are to get to feeling sad/depressed which could lead to more eating.
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    They served all that food at the HOSPICE HEALTH FAIR? Sounds like they are fishing for some future customers!
  • Rainbowtink
    Rainbowtink Posts: 3 Member
    I had a REALLY........Bad day yesterday. I over ate because I was tired and stressed. I paid for it in the middle of the night. My acid reflux reminded me that was the wrong thing to do!!! I take medicine for it, but if I over eat, it doesn't make a difference. I have only been on the program for 5 days, and it's a struggle for me. Food is very much an addiction for me but I am not giving up! Not yet! :0) I pray not ever again. :0) Get back on the horse girl!!! :0)
  • They served all that food at the HOSPICE HEALTH FAIR? Sounds like they are fishing for some future customers!

    Yes!!! lol.. and WE hosted it, MY company lmfao
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member definitely happens! Unfortunately for me, it happened for several months so now I'm 15 pounds up from my goal weight that I was at...OY
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