Helloooo :)


Just thought i'd say hi, as we're all trying to lose weight here... and I have zero willpower! Just want to lose weight to be happy in myself tbh, plus all my clothes are horribly tight! Hope this website helps too :)


  • chittyrose
    chittyrose Posts: 12 Member

    I am on my fifth day on this site and I love it! I have already lost a pound. Welcome!
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    sent friend request, this is my 3rd day and I finally saw the scale go under 170, which I was beginning to think it was stuck!
  • cantina920
    cantina920 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi! I've been on the site less than a week, and love it!
  • LorelieLee
    I just thought i'd start today because I cant seem to have the willpower! I always start a new diet and end up bingeing later on...or going on crash diets! :S
    I put on about a stone at Uni and want to lose it again, my friends have suggested zumba so will start that next month... how is everyone else getting on?