HELP! - Im in the RED by lunch.



  • WiiFitFan
    WiiFitFan Posts: 156 Member
    After reading your bio, I'm sorry you have had to go through so many health issues. If you want to get healthy and stay that way for your young children you really need to avoid the fast food. If you plan ahead and pack a lunch you will be much better off. Try to include more fruits and vegetables with every meal and drink plain water to help flush the chemicals from your body. Treat your body the right way and it will treat you well! Take care and best wishes.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    First, make the switch to skim milk. Do it gradually; right now start using 2%. When you're used to that, go to 1%, then finally to skim. You'll be saving 60-70 calories (and a whole lot of fat) by using skim.

    Next, I agree with the portion control. I think most people get used to eating such large portions because they eat so quickly and because it's in front of them. Only serve yourself a small amount. Then eat slowly, taking time to taste each bite. Some people set their fork down between each bit, others take a sip of water between each bite. Either strategy (or another) works. You'll be surprised at how little you can feel satisfied on when you slow down. (It actually takes the body 10-15 minute from when you start eating for satiety to kick in, so even if you eat a giant meal in 5 minutes you won't feel full!) I also had to teach myself that just because something is a good deal money-wise doesn't mean I should eat it. "Value meals" really aren't.

    I agree that eating out and fast food can fit into a healthy lifestyle, but I would put a serious halt on them right now. I only looked at today's diary, but it was the chinese that killed your calories. Any fast food place will do the same (I found myself at McD's yesterday and got a copy of their nutritional info, yikes!!). Part of it is the portions they serve, and part of it is that the food just isn't that healthy. Get in the habit of packing a lunch (or eating at home) and filling it with plenty of nutrient rich foods. You can have a tuna fish sandwich for about 400 calories (depending on how much mayo and the kind of bread), carrot sticks for less than 100, and an apple or peach for a sweet ending for about 80-100. That's just one example. Lowfat yogurt, other sandwiches - made from whole grain bread and lean meats, again with portion control - other veggies and fruits, etc are great ways to fill up at lunch. Plan and prepare healthy dinners, as well, and leftovers from those can also make great lunches.

    Don't forget to exercise. It increases the amount of calories your body uses during the day, but it is also good for you in so many other ways! Regular physical activity is important to a healthy lifestyle!
  • wlrbaker
    Eating out is a disaster. Plan ahead and take a lunch. That has been the best thing for me.
  • DiamondRubyMom
    DiamondRubyMom Posts: 147 Member
    You've gotten lot of great ideas here. You can also consider ice tea instead of soda if you can keep from sweetening it. I might also take a look at your breakfast choices. Maybe a bowl of cereal instead of eggs? If you're eating out a lot, then i doubt you need more protein. Maybe pack an apple instead of a whole lunch. Then you can eat a sandwich from the restaurant and your apple. I also didn't see any exercise. Exercise allows you more calories to eat. i like to use my Wii but even just walking in place during commercials can add up.
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    Water instead of soda even if it is diet. Grilled chicken vs breaded/crispy, a wrap instead of sandwich. Choose options like fruit or veggies as a side instead of fries/onion rings etc. Salads are a little more expensive and can still be high in calories but you can request light dressing & water instead of a soda or sweet tea and then it's almost the same $$ as a burger meal etc. If your using whole milk switch to 1% there really isn't that much difference in taste, just not such a heavy coating in your throat afterwards. I use splenda instead of sugar in coffee & tea. Make sure you are drinking more than 8 glasses of water a day to help flush out all the sodium that comes with fast food, and at least 8 glasses is what is recommended on this site. Applebee's, Perkins, and other restaurants have weight watcher/diet friendly menu options too. It's all about changing the normal eating patterns that we are used too. May take a little getting used to but it can be done. A little over two months ago, I told my doctor that I could not lose weight -- end of discussion. He told me about my high blood pressure, insullin and sugar then told me I was heading for type 2 diabetes. That coupled with the highest recorded weight on my record was all I needed for a WAKE UP call and I am now about 35 lbs lighter. Is it difficult? yes it is, but it is totally do-ible. Best of luck to you.
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    totally agree. I pack a lunch every day, I have an icepack in a thermal lunch bag and I use the microwave at work if something needs heated, plus I almost always pack fresh fruit or some veggies.
  • jkincaid0202
    Taco Bell has their FRESCO menu...I get two fresco soft chicken tacos for 300 cals total...or Carl's Jr Turkey Burger for 490 cals I think. It's still possible!

    I LOVE the turkey burger at Carl's Jr. You can cut more calories too if you get it as the low carb option, wrapped in lettuce. YUM!
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    Taco Bell has their FRESCO menu...I get two fresco soft chicken tacos for 300 cals total...or Carl's Jr Turkey Burger for 490 cals I think. It's still possible!

    I LOVE the turkey burger at Carl's Jr. You can cut more calories too if you get it as the low carb option, wrapped in lettuce. YUM!

    YUMMY!!! I didn't think of that! I LOVE the lettuce wraps too, didn't think I could have it anymore...but I can with a turkey patty!!!! =)
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    You can add me as well. My food diary is open. I usually make food at home, but when I go out for lunch I try to compensate by having a protein shake for dinner. It's fairly filling and has only about 225 calories. In the summer I like to snack on fresh fruit such as cantaloupe, blueberries and nectarines. Quite filling and low cal.
  • lizc8
    lizc8 Posts: 3 Member
    HI! You can add me and we can do it together because I eat fast food too, some days my choices are better than other days but I tried myfitnesspal before, and the way I started was keeping track of what I eat already, this way I can see how BAD it is! :( and eventually begin making better choices. I started back this week, i take it one day at a time. I'm proof that changing your eating habits overnight can often be worse because you stress, overwhelm yourself and fall for temptation. :D When you see what you are eating today, can help you make better choices tomorrow. It works for me ;)
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    Sorry to hear about your health issues but I am happy that you are on the mend.... To your question on lowering your cals I would start with baby steps for the first week by changing your sodas to dite, milk to skimmed and sugar to sweetner... Too many changes it the start will put you off, after all this is a life change.

    Feel free to friend me :)
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    No meal should be more than 600 calories. Just cut the portion in half. Wean yourself off the Coke and move to water drink.

    Water can any Non Carbonated, No Cafeine, No Sugar beverage. Just go slow and it can be done.

    Don't change eggs for cereal. Protein is SO important. If you want to have cereal, add some protein powder.

    Once you have this down, start moving away from the fast food as much as you can. You will feel so much better.

    For today, steamed rice no fried and cut portions in half.

    For Yesterday, 1 hot dog and skip the fries.

    Maybe start by going to diet coke or tea, they may have cafeine, sodium and soda is carbonated but it is a start.

    You Can Do It!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Congrats on taking the first and biggest step -- writing down every thing you eat, and being honest about it! Once you do that you can make your adjustments. I would try logging all of your meals for a whole week, and then seeing what the biggest 'offenders' are. Then, you watch your portion size on those things. For me it was cheese, carbs, booze, and butter....mostly the cheese, though, I think. I measure everything, limit my added fats and sugars, stay within the amount of carbs, and try to go over on my protein, fiber, and calcium.
    If you have to eat all meals out, try hitting up the grocery store. You can do sandwiches or wraps with low sodium lunch meat, hummus and crackers, boiled eggs from the deli, salads, yogurt, fruit, veggies and yogurt dip....
    If you are at a fast food place look at the nutritional info poster before you order. I realized after the fact that I could have saved 300 calories on my last stop at the Chik-fil-a.
    You can try and make some mini goals also, such as only 1 soda a day, or eating a fruit or veggie at every meal.
    Exercise is a huge component as well. I would never survive without my exercise calories! They allow me to have treats like red wine, ice cream, and steak with blue cheese...
    Feel free to friend me also :) I keep my food diary open. I mostly pack breakfast and lunch, and we cook at home a lot. However, there are trips to Taco Bell, the pizzaria, Chik-fil-a, and Five Guys Burgers and Fries ;)
    The best piece of advice there is, though, is to find what works for you because everyone is different. Every drop in the bucket counts ~ and little changes every day make a great impact a year later!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I just ate a juicy ham & swiss sandwich & hearty cup of soup for less than 400 calories - super delicious - you can add me & look at my diary if you want.
    Just a reminder - purchasing & preparing your own food is healthier and you BURN CALORIES PREPARING it! don't burn as many calories in a drive-thru - I've made a rule NOT to use the drive thru - if I MUST have fast food, get out of the car and walk in (will give me time to change my mind)

    I love the walking in idea --- that is great!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Just a couple quick tips from looking at your diary for the last couple of days. Skip the sugary soda & opt for water or a diet drink.
    Go for grilled foods or salads (watch out for the Salad dressings though) when you can. Get a side salad or fruit cup if you can instead of fries. I simply skip the fries most of the time. If nothing else, watch your portions. Eat one hot dog, not two! 1/2 cup of something instead of 1.

    Don't worry, with time and practice, you'll get better at it.
    Wow! I am really hitting this thread up!

    At first, it seems like 1/2 a cup of something won't be enough to fill you up, but after about 3 weeks I think the body adjusts to the portions. I am finding myself satisfied after 3 - 5 ounces of meat, where before I would eat 8-12. I thinking making sure there is a fruit and veggie at every meal is important because they fill you up and (at least for me) my taste buds begin craving more of them!
  • jmcholden
    jmcholden Posts: 20 Member
    So great that you are logging what you eat. If you can do that, you can do it all. The logging is the hardest part. The rest is a fun challenge. To find the yummiest low cal thing thing you can have is like a treasure hunt.

    My family likes to eat out, and it makes me get more creative. I drink Diet soda because it fills in the empty spots, and fills me up. I know it is not the best idea, but for me it is better than eating what I want to!

    Yogurt for breakfast is a must for me. No time to make anything.
    Cottage cheese for lunch or dinner is good too.
    For a while, I would have a baked potato with fake butter with every dinner, and that made me really full.

    Fast food-

    Lunch -
    Jamba Original size low calorie are only like 200-250 cals and it fills me up.
    Subway - 6 inch sub, no mayo or oil. 200-250 cals.

    I love the Carls Jr. Low carb turkey burger idea - that will fill you up. and a side salad with low cal dressing, and a diet soda- you would be stuffed.
    Ihop- they have some yummy, low cal options.
    Grilled chicken sandwich, no mayo is ok almost anywhere.
    No fries!(ok I eat like 3 fries off my kids plate)

    You can do it. If you can get through what you have so far, you can do this.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    In the red on what, calories, or sugar. I go over on sugar very quickly, but not on calories.
    What is your typical meal?