onederland by september come join me in crossing the gap

hello there, well so far i have lost 75lb and got to 205lb but i want desperately to be 199lb or lower by the time my kids go back to school on september 2nd.... i working at zumba now and trying to get 20 mins a day on monday, wednesday and friday (work days) and 45 mins a day on tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday also going to try and walk at least a mile a day

who is with me on this


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Stay in touch with me! I'm 208 right now and I'm really pushing hard for a really big loss this month. I have a work meeting out of town Sept. 14 and I would really love to be under 200 by then!!
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    I am right there with you! I am at 204 and it seems like the 100s will never come!
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    come on girls we can make it even if it is blinkin frustrating just repeat after me

    i will be in onederland in september i will be onederland in september
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    day one eaten rather well and did a session on dance on broadway, a 2 1/2 hour ramble and still got a 45 minute zumba session to do then its chill and watch tv time with kids who are shattered after their ramble lol
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Nice work!! I ate pretty light yesterday, but none of it was very good for me... It was a good Saturday though, BBQ with friends and that sort of thing.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I would like to join your group too. I'm right at 204-206 and I would LOVE to be in Onederland by Sept 16 for a girls weekend that I'm attending :)
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    everyone is welcome ... i have had a good week and 2lb down woop now weigh 203 so 4lb to go

    fingers crossed another good week for me and for all on this thread too x
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    down to 201lb woop just got 2lb to go to be in onederland fingers crossed be off for monday :)
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    I'll join to. Currently 202.6 and I better be there soon. I really want to be there within 3 weeks because I have some surgery coming up and would love to be able to say I am only one hundred and something lbs instead of 200+. If they ask for weight in kilograms then I still have 2.1 (4.6lb) to go to be able to say I'm eighty something rather than 90+. It's doable but less likely.

    Also hanging out for 100lbs lost . . . believe it or not I have just 0.1lb to go.
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    I'll join to. Currently 202.6 and I better be there soon. I really want to be there within 3 weeks because I have some surgery coming up and would love to be able to say I am only one hundred and something lbs instead of 200+. If they ask for weight in kilograms then I still have 2.1 (4.6lb) to go to be able to say I'm eighty something rather than 90+. It's doable but less likely.

    Also hanging out for 100lbs lost . . . believe it or not I have just 0.1lb to go.

    brilliant job on been almost 100lb down i got 20lb to go for that achievement, fingers crossed be there for xmas and of course you can join in aiming for onederland x
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Well, I don't see myself losing seven pounds in the next few days, but I'm so very close! I know I'll make by October!! I'm averaging about four pounds lost a month, but if I really apply myself I think I could see a much better result for September!
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    i done it wooooop 198lb this morning i am in onederland woopwoop :)
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    i done it wooooop 198lb this morning i am in onederland woopwoop :)


    I'm still dreaming of the day but at the moment my body seems desperate to hold onto the last 0.1lb I need to lose to hit the 100lb loss mark. :mad: