Hello and a fitness tip

Heyi all! Looking to add some more friends for motivation! My name is Ellisa and i'm 31. Am desperately trying to lose 7 pounds and tone up for a beach holiday I have coming up in 6 weeks...first time my man will see me in a bikini :0...... Love this site, so far i've lost 2ilbs using it but bit of a way to go. Add me if you want to motivate each other!

PS - strange tip I know, but having a cup of strong coffee ad hour before I go to the gym makes me work so much harder, can't decide whether it's the caffeine boost or whether it's psychological - but hey i fit works!


  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I'm the same way :-) I like to have a jamba energy drink when I work out in the morning. And a banana.
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    I suggest doing pushups and planks every day.... you will see fast results especially in the mid-section
  • rica0111
    rica0111 Posts: 27
    Hello! Coffee does wonders for me too! I have it at least 2 hours before a workout so I won't have stomach cramps while running. It's definitely the caffeine giving that boost! Good luck on your journey and congrats on that 2 lbs! :)