Is my diet healthy?



  • libs3091
    libs3091 Posts: 50 Member
    Do you have your goals set for maintenance? Cause you would probably have to just lie around all day doing nothing for 1430kcal to be enough without loosing...
    And you should probably eat your excercise calories if you don't want to loose weight...
    Also, being in the red isn't that big a deal, as long as you're not over with like, -200 or whatever.

    In short, eat more or you'll loose weight!

    I kept that in mind when i ate today, but i'm feeling really yuck because i was ALWAYS bloated and full today, and i ended up eating half of my meals on a full stomach. I didn't even come close to my calorie goal, and even if i'd eaten more fats like nuts and cheese i would've still been under. It's really hard for me to keep increasing my calories while i'll feeling so horribly full!