


  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    My opinion? Tastes absolutely disgusting, and a total waste of money. My neighbor (beachbody coach) INSISTED it was the best way to lose weight. Well, after I tasted it I was NOT spending that kind of money on that crap. Well, I'm only a few pounds away from my goal, and I'm very healthy. I didn't need an overpriced, over-marketed shake to do that for me.
  • EvaJanes
    EvaJanes Posts: 37 Member
    I normally don't have issues with GMO items either but a company can't claim the are GMO free and then list a GMO item as an ingredient. Food companies need to start being held more responsible for what they are putting in their products and need to stop trying to hide items under different names. I cant wait to see the response that you get back or see how fast the info on the site gets changed.
  • RangerSteve
    One thing I've seen on this post is that the people that say it is a waste of money have never actually tried it for a month. I've heard many people with positive things to say about it that HAVE tried it. So........I'm sticking with the people that have actually tried it.....not those with untested opinions.

    Regardless of whether or not someone has tried it, you can:

    a) look at the ingredients
    b) look at the price

    With those two things, you can determine whether or not the product is overpriced (it is) and whether or not it's worth it to you to pay that much. If it is, more power to you because you have money to spend. However, for that price, you can easily afford months of multi-vitamin, green complex and whey protein. Hell, you can even throw some fish oil in there and still stay under that price.
  • PenTool
    PenTool Posts: 50 Member
    +1 What Ranger Steve said.

    If you have the money to burn, drink the kool-aid....errrrrr....Shakeology.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I have never tried it myself (too cheap and not a protein shake drinker) but I read an article that profiled the Shakeology creator. Basically the Beachbody guy said "Make the best shake you can with the best ingredients you can find, worldwide--money's no object." So the shake-maker guy did, and they charge what it costs (fair trade ingredients), and that's why it's so expensive. I thought it was kind of interesting. Not interesting enough to buy any, but interesting.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Shakeology cured my Super-AIDs.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    i think we're not supposed to discuss religion here
  • LaDawn74
    LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
    Go to compare Shakeology to any protein shake you use. Shakeology is listed at 97.

    I was paying $2.50 for one single use of protein shake from a Health food store. I didn't get the energy. From it like I do with the Shakeology, nor did it fill me up and keep me from getting as hungry quicker like Shakeology does.

    I am BB coach. This is my 2nd week on it, and I've already lost 2lbs in 1 week just drinkng it once a day.
  • RangerSteve
    Go to compare Shakeology to any protein shake you use. Shakeology is listed at 97.

    I was paying $2.50 for one single use of protein shake from a Health food store. I didn't get the energy. From it like I do with the Shakeology, nor did it fill me up and keep me from getting as hungry quicker like Shakeology does.

    I am BB coach. This is my 2nd week on it, and I've already lost 2lbs in 1 week just drinkng it once a day.

    1) You were overpaying for whatever shake you were using before Shakeology.

    2) You aren't losing weight because of Shakeology. You're losing weight because you're in a calorie deficit.

    3) The energy you get from Shakeology can also be obtained from a multi-vitamin, greens complex and a container of whey protein, all of which are cheaper than Shakeology. You can also just eat real food that is vitamin/mineral rich and has a better bio-availability.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Contact any coach and they'll give you a sample. I had to contact a few before I got one to ship to Canada and I found her on MFP!

    Its not as high in protein as whey protein powders and its full of vegetables but you are better off eating whole, unprocessed foods.

    I asked a few and they wanted to charge me $15 for a sample LOL
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member

    I asked a few and they wanted to charge me $15 for a sample LOL

    They're not supposed to do that. We're supposed to charge $4 per packet (if we charge anything) and then there's always shipping but $15 is robbery. Are you sure they weren't trying to sell you a 3 pack or something?
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    i think we're not supposed to discuss religion here

  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Lunches this week:
    Monday, leftover grilled shrimp and veggies in a corn tortilla, don't know how much it cost.
    Tuesday, 1/2 of a Subway 12inch ham with provolone, all the veggies, and honey mustard. $5
    Wednesday, the leftover other 1/2 of the sandwich, $0
    Thursday, Top Ramen noodles, $0.26
    Friday, 2 Taco Bell fresco chicken soft tacos, $3.18.

    I don't buy powder anything. Real food is where it's at.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Not to be a jerk but I can't help myself, does anyone else see the irony in a post extolling the virtues of real food referencing top ramen? lol
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Not to be a jerk but I can't help myself, does anyone else see the irony in a post extolling the virtues of real food referencing top ramen? lol

    I do. I'm glad someone else does too!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    <--- I inject that *kitten* straight into my arms........... nah not really. I use whey protein and multivitamins. I've never tried it and at $120 a month I'm not going to.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Shakeology cured my Super-AIDs.

    Shakeology has made me the man I am today. After trying just one sample of Shakeology, the following happened to me:

    1) 20/20 vision after wearing glasses for the last 20 years
    2) my salary doubled
    3) full head of hair with an awesome mullet (after battling male pattern baldness for 10+ years)
    4) sperm count has increased 100X - I got 4 women pregnant just by walking past them in the shopping mall last week
    5) I am now an Olympic caliber figure skater complete with a closet full of tight fitting, sequined Lycra outfits

    try it for yourself and find out, you won't be sorry!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Shakeology cured my Super-AIDs.

    Shakeology has made me the man I am today. After trying just one sample of Shakeology, the following happened to me:

    1) 20/20 vision after wearing glasses for the last 20 years
    2) my salary doubled
    3) full head of hair with an awesome mullet (after battling male pattern baldness for 10+ years)
    4) sperm count has increased 100X - I got 4 women pregnant just by walking past them in the shopping mall last week
    5) I am now an Olympic caliber figure skater complete with a closet full of tight fitting, sequined Lycra outfits

    try it for yourself and find out, you won't be sorry!

    Holysh*t I'm almost sold now but, will it make me taller??? ( fingers crossed)
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Shakeology is the study of shakes.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Got a reply back today from Shakeology regarding the contradicting information on GMO ingredients:

    "Hello Brent,

    Thank you for contacting Team Beachbody!

    We understand your concern. We use clean, organic source of gum in Shakeology and it should be read as Non- GMO Xanthan gum, we have alerted the concerned department to have the information edited in the FAQ section. We can confirm that, to the best of our ability, testing and documentation of supply Shakeology is GMO free."