
Not so new, though not even 3 weeks yet, so maybe so. MFP is great. My brother let me in on it. I never had considered calorie counting before, but the MFP iPhone app was so slick I decided to jump in.

I've made a goal of losing 30 pounds at 2 pounds a month, so it will be a long haul. I don't want to do anything drastic, and I don't feel there is a rush. Consistency is my goal. I have no idea how long I'll 'last'. But right now I have every intention of making this work. So looks like if all goes well I'll be around for a while. (or longer, got to maintain your weight once you lose it!)

There are some really neat people here with a common goal. We live in a society where food is in abundance, so we tend to do what is natural, stock up! The obesity problem in the US is no mystery to me! I can get 1000 delicious easy fast food calories at Taco Bell for 2 bucks! Getting fat is easy in this country, ignoring the abundance and exercising a good deal of self control become obvious goals when you can't stand to look at yourself in the mirror! (not to mention obesity -> High blood pressure -> risk of heart attack and/or stroke).

Good luck to all!