
Hi all :)

I'm new here, I started using mfp 2 weeks ago so far so good I think though i only maintained this week. Maybe more exercise is needed. I find it motivates me to do it!



  • Hi Ashanti,

    I know what you mean, don't be discouraged... its always better to maintain than to gain! I find this site to be great when it comes to accountability. I have 25 lbs. to lose, and it seems like 250 lbs., but no matter what your set goal is, small or large, it all has to be worked for. My youngest daughter just lost 41 lbs, and she is down to 124, she looks great! She is inspiring. She did the no carb diet, I tried, and it made me physically sick! Couldn't do it.... so I am trying to do it the sensible way.... Good Luck, hang in there, you WILL be surprised!!!!!
  • Thanks for the motivation Deb and well done to your daughter! I would rather the healthy way too! Good luck!
  • Hi Sabrina,


    I joined in july and have a lot of weigh to lose.

    Feel free to add me!
