Have lost motivation/ upcoming stress

ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
I guess this is more of a rant,but definitely looking for support and advice. Monday I start my new job,which is awesome.Only I haven't finished my last one. I work 7-3 Monday,7-3 Tuesday,7-3 Wednesday.Then it gets ugly,7-3 Thursday and then 4-10 that night at my old job. Friday 9-2 at my old job,and 3-11 at the new one. Then 12-7 at my old job the next day. Thats a total of 8 shifts in 6 days. Or 58 hours. On top of all of it,I have someone coming to view my apartment today because we are moving at the end of the month (hence why I am working so many hours). The other issue is,although we are subletting out our apartment,we don't have anywheres lined up to move yet. We HAVE to get out of this apartment,it is really a terrible fit for our lifestyle. I guess the point of all this is that I have been struggling the past few weeks as it is to exercise and eat right,how on EARTH am I going to get back on track now?I am terrified to even step on the scale right now. Its going to show a HUGE gain (mostly from sodium and bloating I know, but I think there is definitely a possibly of a real pound of weight gain too) The only light at the end of the tunnel is after having a 5 dollar a week grocery budget for the past six weeks I was able to do a HUGE shop about 2 days ago.
Err,so stressed. Looking for any advice from other overworked people about finding time/motivation to exercise and some tips for staying on track.
If you've made it this far I commend you.Thanks for listening to my rant.


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    OUCH! That's going to be a tough week, especially with only an hours break in between. As far as not having anywhere to go right now, start looking ASAP, especially if you have people coming to look at the apartment today. For future reference, always start looking BEFORE you put the house up for grabs :) Don't worry about the scale. Life is way more important right now and you're working hard. I'm sure working all those shifts will help burn a few calories as well :) Just continue to eat healthy and don't stress (easier said than done, I know). Just focus on you!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Just don't over eat and walk as much as you can.
    Keep telling yourself it will be over soon.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    i know its hard, and i hear you. i work full time 8-5, and have a 2 year old. my workouts are mainly in the evening after ive given her a snack, bath and then bed! so by the time i do my workouts its nearly 7.30 or even 8pm! Also during the week try and make healthy food choices and if u want to you can have treats during the weekend. Maybe pre-plan your food diary or make a meal plan for the week and stick to it.

    However, i make sure my workouts are no more than 30-40 mins everyday as otherwise im too tired to do anything. I make up for it during the weekend with long walks etc. You can do it! You have got so far! Maintainance is about balancing. So if you have put on weight- not the end of the world. get back into it and it wlll come off :)
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