Protein Shakes/Bars Available in Canada

Hey, just wondering what are some of the more nutritious brands of protein shakes and bars available in Canada. I've had products (not protein "stuff") recommended before but it always seems to end up with that company not selling in Canada. I usually have lunch around 12:00 but due to time and work restraints don't eat dinner with the family until after 9:00pm. I've been having a veggie or fruit snack at 3:00ish but am always ravenous at 6:00 when I get home from work and before I go riding. I usually end up eating a Fibre1 snack, precooked hard boiled egg or a bagel and running out the door. I was thinking a protein shake or bar might fit well into that spot and keep me fuller longer than the above.

So would love some nutritious healthy protein shakes or bars that are available in Canada for when I go shopping tomorrow. :) Thanks!


  • Jelleebean
    Jelleebean Posts: 212
    for simple, quick, non specialty protien bars and powders, i was in a Metro earlier this week, and they had half an aisle dedicated to the stuff. can't think of any of the names at the moment, but, there must have been 100 different kinds of bars/bites, and probably a good 20 different kinds of powders.
  • waltzesmatilda
    waltzesmatilda Posts: 7 Member
    Yes, I looked once the last time I went shopping in a larger store. (My local shops don't care too much of that stuff.) But I was in a rush and didn't have much time to look and just the shear number of options was intimidating. I was hoping I could go in with brands to look for rather than reading the labels on the entire aisle. :/