Biggest Loser Weightloss Recommendations - some basics!

Learn your body's calorie needs -- you must burn off more calories than you are taking in
Not skip meals; you must develop a regular eating schedule of 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks per day.
Eat plenty fruit and vegetables
Eat plenty of lean protein
Eliminate white stuff; white flour; white pasta, white sugar, white rice, simple carbs
Choose whole grains
Plan ahead -your meals, your snacks and your exercise. As Jillian has said, if you don't plan ahead, you plan to fail.
EAT your calories - with the exception of milk
Include exercise as part of your weight loss plan
Prioritize your health and well-being; if you don't have your health, you can't take care of your loved ones


  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Learn your body's calorie needs -- you must burn off more calories than you are taking in
    Not skip meals; you must develop a regular eating schedule of 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks per day.
    Eat plenty fruit and vegetables
    Eat plenty of lean protein
    Eliminate white stuff; white flour; white pasta, white sugar, white rice, simple carbs
    Choose whole grains
    Plan ahead -your meals, your snacks and your exercise. As Jillian has said, if you don't plan ahead, you plan to fail.
    EAT your calories - with the exception of milk
    Include exercise as part of your weight loss plan
    Prioritize your health and well-being; if you don't have your health, you can't take care of your loved ones
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    "if you don't plan ahead, you plan to fail."

    That's one of my favorite quotes! All good ideas...although I WILL NOT give up my white bread :p
  • jeffrey71
    Very good advise! I have gone from 272 to 210 pounds over the last year by diet and using Jillians exercise dvd's. My wife has done them with me with good success. My body fat is now down to 17%. I am currently doing P90X and tuning in my diet again. Watch the Carbs! They sneak up on you! Eat good things in correct portions and eat often. It will keep your metabolism stoked. Another thing is to push yourself to exercise. When you have mastered a program that is the danger zone. You KNOW when you are not pushing yourself. YOU have to kick your own self in the rear to get it to the next level. Expect more of yourself and you will get there! I would offer all my encouragement! Hang in there and keep right on going!