Procrastinator No More!

Hello All! Today is THE day to begin my journey into fitness, I'm excited about this website, and the mobile app as I believe it will really hold me accountable to my goals. I have been known to get excited about diet and exercise only to stop after a short time. I want this to be a lifestyle! By logging all of my stats I can really see what I'm putting into my body. I like the social aspect of this site, so I feel like I'm not alone in this journey!! I wish it had more exercise options, as I'm going to start Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, and would like to be able to know a estimate of how many calories burned.
If anyone knows any tips about that, please let me know!!

8/13/2011- Start weight= 135 lbs
Goal Weight= 120lbs
I look forward to this new adventure :)


  • One of the handy things about MFP is you can put things into your databases. In your case, for instance, you can check other websites to find calories burned for 30DS and then add it to your exercise database on MFP. It'll remember the info for next time. :)
  • MistFit
    MistFit Posts: 22
    Thanks so much for the tip! Much appreciated
  • tiny33
    tiny33 Posts: 13
    u can do it