Required Carb Intake Correct?

I've read other posts on this, but I'm not quite sure which answer was the right one and which one was not xP
MFP recommends me to eat about 1,200 calories a day and 165 carbs. I'm 5"4, 18, and as of late, have not had much physical exercise except trekking across uni campus.
I have come in under 165 carbs almost every day, sometimes like 15-30 carbs under. But those days when I go a little over/come to close to going over, I wonder if the carb count estimated on here is too high?

So, is it? Should the actual amount of carbs being consumed be less? :O
Thanks in advance!


  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    This is always a heated topic, I think it's more of what works for you. MPF default is set to 55% (I think) which for me is too high. if you're not losing, try to lower it and see if it helps.
  • kelleymfrost
    kelleymfrost Posts: 15 Member
    The numbers MFP sets for you are very accurate. Im a dieitian so I know! :)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    The numbers MFP sets for you are very accurate. Im a dieitian so I know! :)
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    The calories and fat are pretty good. In the UK the recommended amount of carbs is lower than MFP and protein higher. Personally I find this ratio works for me - 25% protein, 30% fat, 45% carbs. If I'm not very active I reduce the carbs little.
  • kelleymfrost
    kelleymfrost Posts: 15 Member
    Yes really....but as you said earlier...whatever works best for you!
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    The numbers MFP sets for you are very accurate. Im a dieitian so I know! :)

    I believe these are the guidelines recommended in the US? However, scientists believe that too many carbs (particularly sugar) are responsible for obesity and not the fat we eat. They say a more Atkins style approach is best for weight loss. I read this in a scientific journal last year and in New Scientist and the evidence seems pretty sound. I don't think you need to go quite as extreme as Atkins (unless you want to) but increasing protein and decreasing carbs from what MFP recommends is probably a good idea. Keep fat at around 30% though. This is quite a controversial subject :)
  • kelleymfrost
    kelleymfrost Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, these are guidelines recommended in the US. Its what I was taught in college, and generally what I tell my patients. You are right about it being a controversial topic. To each his own...
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    My carb allowance seems to go up if I have exercised- is that right? I usually have it manually set to 120g but today for example my goal is 184 coz I did 641 cals of exercise?