belly fat

What is the best way to get rid of stubborn belly fat?


  • jaqui71
    jaqui71 Posts: 14
    The exact thing I want to know. Hopefully someone can help.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    I have lost quite a bit of inches of belly just by walking/jogging on my elliptical...I can't do regular abdominal exercises because of a car accident injuries.... :flowerforyou:
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Unfortuatley I am wondering too!
  • JuliaMarie_87
    Regular cardio workouts combined with ab training. You supposedly can't target train a problem area. I think it couldn't hurt though. Best all over ab workouts in my opinion are the bicycle crunch, and various forms of the plank.

    Doing the ab workouts will strengthen the area. Doing the cardio will burn off the fat.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    You can't spot reduce, I wish you could.
  • CaptainAmerica1970
    cardio exercise 3-4 times a week :30 min. by keeping your heart rate between 65%-75% that will burn fat, also by eating healthy fats like olive oil or peanut butter. you need healthy fats to burn fat.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Unfortunately, you cannot target weight loss. As you lose weight, the belly fat will subside when the body decides to get rid of it. In the meantime, you can do abdominal exercises to stregthen your muscles so they look nice and firm once the belly fat covering them up disappears.
  • BRoth1987
    From what I understand you can't just target specific areas to tone up one has to just do everything. Your best bet (IMO) would be a full body workout and also cardio is great too. If you eat right and exercise then your whole body will be affected and a lot more healthy than before.
  • raydeb
    raydeb Posts: 33 Member
    getting rid of belly fat unfortunatly is down to lowering your overall body fat crunches will strengh you abbs.
    If you go to this may explain better

    Good luck hope this helps
  • TiffanyA2008
    You have to work your entire body. You can't spot reduce a particular part of your body. The predictable "ab" workouts aren't even the best workouts for your abdominal region. Cardio is good!!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Most people will tell you that abs starts in the kitchen. I tell people, a body starts in the kitchen. Eating right plays a big important part in losing fat. Another thing that helps. Cardio!

    A person can't spot reduce, but they can spot tone. At least twice week, try to do a workout that target the abs. Core exercises are good too. I'm a huge fan of Billy Blanks Tae Bo. It's my number one workout. Trust me, Billy has some Abs works that will help you get your abs tone. A lot of ab workouts will have people doing cruches are sit ups, which they are good to do, but floor ab work is to strength the abs. Twisting ab workouts is to shrink the waist line.

    Go to youtube and type Tae Bo Abs and watch what that workout is about and then type Tae Bo Insane Abs and watch what that workout is about.

    Eating in moderation and portion control, following the food pyramid and not depriving yourself of anythign you like to eat, as long as you add it to your daily calories, drink 8 glasses a water a day or more. I aim for a half gallon to a gallon a day. Get some good cardio workout in during the week. Aim for intense workouts, bootcamp, interval, circuit training. Those are good to do. Always work a workout and never let a workout work you. Get some strength training in as well, as least 3 days a week, you will be fine.

    Strength training doesn't necessary means lighting weights.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    hula hoop. :)

    and some type of cardio regularly.
  • TiffanyA2008
    ^^^ I LOVE that!! "Always work a workout and never let a workout work you." :)
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    ^^^ I LOVE that!! "Always work a workout and never let a workout work you." :)

    Thanks TiffanyAlmond08. That's my exercise motto that I share with people.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    Cardio is the best way to lose fat. Keep your heart rate at 65-75% of your max, and go for a little longer. This doesn't burn as many cals as quickly, but it does use the energy stored in your fat cells. Sounds counterintuitive , I know, but I'm a pers trainer and that's the latest info.

    Sadly it's true that we can't spot reduce. The only way to do that is to get liposuction! haha.
  • ahunkofmexican
    If exercise does not work i'll be trying a very sharp butchers clever.
  • ahunkofmexican
    Cardio is the best way to lose fat. Keep your heart rate at 65-75% of your max, and go for a little longer. This doesn't burn as many cals as quickly, but it does use the energy stored in your fat cells. Sounds counterintuitive , I know, but I'm a pers trainer and that's the latest info.

    Sadly it's true that we can't spot reduce. The only way to do that is to get liposuction! haha.

    I dont know about that, check out stevemcknight. He is my hero and hope that i can do the same, He did it ! maybe we can too !
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Do you just need to tone up or do you have weight to lose first? If you're at or close to your goal weight, it'll work, but if not you can't really spot tone. Sorry :|
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    cardio cardio cardio- and then some more cardio

    I know not the answer you wanted to hear but its the truth
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Do you just need to tone up or do you have weight to lose first? If you're at or close to your goal weight, it'll work, but if not you can't really spot tone. Sorry :|

    Bjbegley, yes you can spot tone. Spot toning and spot reducing aren't the same thing. No one can spot reduce, but they can spot tone.

    Why do you think they have so many workouts for certain body parts? Example: Hip Hop Abs, which targets the abs, to tone the abs. Another example: Brazilian Butt Lift. That program was designed to target the butt area.

    In the infomercials for both examples, you will see people claim to have lost weight. Their weight loss isn't a result of the toning workouts in the program, but from the additional cardio workouts in the program and maybe other cardio workouts they didn't mention they have done.

    Cardio, toning workouts and strength training are all partners.