Before/After photos?

Does everyone do before/after photos? For some bizarre reason I've been avoiding it. Why do you do it? Why don't you do it?


  • TruckerChick
    I can't say I have after photos... YET!
    But I have my befores!!

    Why? So I can see for myself what the difference is. I can't see what you see when you look at me. But I can see a picture of me!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    My profile pic is my before and after. I did it because I wanted to be able to see the difference in me. Sometimes it is hard to see the changes because... well, we see ourselves ALL the time. I think taking pictures makes the journey more real. We can actually SEE how we're changing - I think it's good for our motivation and confidence. :) If you aren't comfortable, don't share the pics with anyone else... but take them and keep them for YOU.
  • schlabetsy
    How often do you take before/after photos? Every 10lbs? Every month?
  • califigureeight
    Every 10 pounds :)
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I have just taken photos of myself in my underwear ( not for publication on here I hasten to add) and was horrified if I am honest. But I hope that when I take the next photo when I reach my goal I will be able to see the difference.

    Sometimes we can't (or won't) see the changes in ourselves when we look in the mirror so a photo can often prove to yourself that you have made a difference.
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    I have yet to take a current picture. Next week is a wedding that i have been looking forward too for months, and I have every intention of posting before and after next Monday. But I'm scared. I hate the way I look in photos, and I know that even with losing 102lbs, I'm still going to find something to critize about me. Ugh!! I have made it a goal to post my highest, and current. I really admire people that do it.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    I didn't take any before photos but that's because I was completely miserable and depressed about my weight and didn't imagine for a second I would ever want to show any one how I looked before - it wasn't until I had lost around 40lbs and I started to realise I could do it and had more self confidence that I took my 'before' pictures and regretted not having taken any in the first place.

    Definitely take them. Even if they are only ever for your own eyes!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I try to take a picture a month... I had a lot to lose and it was good motivation for me to remember where I started and how far I have come. So I'm all for the before, during, and after photos!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I do it to remind myself of how I used looked like and how far I've come. I've been on here since Jan 2011 and there are moments when it's hard to keep pushing. Looking at my before pictures reminds me of the time where I wasn't happy about how I looked.
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I took before and can see them under my profile photos. I think it is extremely important especially if you have a lot to lose. I have lost over 100 lbs but sometimes still feel "HUGE". All I have to do is look at the pictures to remind myself what huge is. I still have a way to go but so so much closer. I took pictures about every 30 lbs I think. Didn't post them all. I am getting ready to post a new one now.
  • vintagefool
    I love looking back at before pictures, I find it's really essential to have that documentation. Sometimes I get down on myself and feel like I can't see any difference in my body (especially since I've lost so little), but then I look at an old photo of myself from 3 months back and think, "Holy crap, those 7-8 lbs definitely didn't come from no where!" It's a great motivational tool and imagine how happy you'll be to have that before photo once you reach your after to proudly show off how far you've come and how dedicated, hard-working and healthy you became to get there :)
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    I started it because I wanted a pic of the day I started then I took another shoot because everyone kept telling me how great I was doing, and I just saw the same old me in the mirror so I took the pic and was holy it's true! Now I am an addict!
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I didn't take before photos because when I began I only wanted to lose 8lbs, since then I've lost 14lbs more and really wish I HAD taken photos and measurements!! I know I look so much better but I really wish I had at least measured myself at the beginning.
    I think that my problem was, I didn't really think that I would lose the weight, so what was the point??.
    I would advise anyone beginning on this to take photos and measurements and keep track because once you've lost the weight it's too late. (unless you put the weight back on and then start again. LOL)
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    When I did my original loss, I didn't take befores, and I seriously regretted it when I got to the end of that portion of the journey. The scale and measurements only show so much, and because we see ourselves every day, it's really hard to see the changes in our body until we get a side-by-side comparison!

    I didn't take the photos because that would make my weight gain was easier to stay in denial, put my head down and power through until I was at a weight I was happy with. I should have just sucked up my pride. :P
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I have my before, during, several of them in fact, and hubby just took a new one. My DH has the before picture in his files some place. If he finds it I will post it. The during and recent were taken on a camera that will not for some reason allow download.

    I did one every 20 lbs.

    I did the pictures to let me see how things were changing. My problem is I was so heavy for so long that I still see the fat girl in the mirror. A picture allows a different view.