Help getting off of the emotional roller coaster

(I first posted this as a blog but I'd like some help!)

I am at a dangerous phase of my weight loss, and one that feels like a zone I inhabited for years in the past.

I have lost ten pounds and can notice the difference in my body - I feel thinner. Awesome, right? Except that I vascillate between feeling thinner than I was (ego boost!) and feeling like I'm still overweight (ego crash). Getting dressed this morning was terrible. I feel like I'm even more out of touch with what my body looks like - sometimes I feel like I look smokin and then five minutes later I'll catch a glimpse of myself and my ego will dive down into a tailspin.

My question is how, how, how can I get off of this self-esteem roller coaster? I want to lose weight but I want to like myself the entire time. Even when I was the thinnest I have ever been I remember this self-esteem roller coaster, so I know it is happening in my head and not my body, so to say.

Anyone hear me on this? How do you get of of the roller coaster?


  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    I don't think you are a bit different that anyone else on here who is losing and working towards a goal. Some days I feel fat and bloated, then I will get on the scale and find that I have lost a pound or two... some days I'm feeling really great about myself because my fav pair of jeans is loose, but I look in the mirror and realize I'm not there yet. I don't know a soul who totally loves their body all the time. We all have things we would like to correct or change... bigger, smaller, perkier... you know the gamut.
    When you are feeling the crash, check out how far you have come... remember it won't happen all at once and celebrate the steps along the way and don't get discouraged and give up. I have a pandora bracelet that I add a bead to every time I lose another 10 lbs. Some days, it is the exact reminder I need of what I have accomplished to day and also the incentive I need to see another bead on there. There is no magic bullet for any of this. We learn as we go.
    Good luck and hang in there!
  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    If you figure it out, please let me know. Its a constant battle and work in progress for me.
  • vegansara
    vegansara Posts: 192 Member
    Thanks, homeport51, I really appreciate it.