how do you keep motivated?

I went from 145 to 177 (over 30lbs) in 4 months. There where many different stresses but now I am just being lazy and making poor decisions. I noticed the weight gain at 158 and 167 and at each 10lbs I vowed that I would not gain any more and would make better decisions. I'm hoping topping over the 30lbs gain will be enough this time. I am motivated to start again. I am giving up soda(even diet) and going vegetarian again.
How do you guys stay motivated to work out and choose fruit over yummy cake? I love working out but diet is definitely my problem.
I want to be happy with myself and to fit back into my sexy jeans :)


  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I look at pix of myself when I was 16 at 125 lbs. (my goal is 135) and pics of myself from January when I was 235. Works like a charm.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    The way I stay motivated and not give in to cravings is simple. I ask myself if choosing that cake over the fruit will make me truly happy. Then I tell myself not to let the food be my boss. Food is not a living thing. It has no mind, no brain, no thoughts. It cannot control you. You have to control it. If you give in to an unhealthy craving, you've let food control you. Just ask yourself if you're okay with letting a non-living, inanimate thing control you. Chances are you'll say no :) And as far as choosing a healthier option of the thing you crave, it sounds a lot harder than it is. Try bananas. They're often quite sweet and I find they satiate my desire for that really sweet thing. Or, Viactiv makes a really yummy calcium chew in Caramel flavor. They're chewy, sweet, caramel-y, and you get a full day's calcium in 2 chews.