Everyones right, scales don't really mean much

Hi Everyone, I've been using MFP for three weeks now and was putting up a post each week of how my scale hasn't changed a bit. I was told on my posts that sometimes the scale doesn't reflect the full weight loss. I'm the same exact weight I was when I started. BUT.................I tried a pair of my summer shorts that were falling off of me last summer lol and these are the same ones I tried three weeks ago and they wouldn't get past my but and thighs and definitely could not button and today they went right on and buttoned and I had a thumbs amount of room still. I mean they weren't loose and falling off by any means like last summer but better than three weeks ago. So now I'm excited and a bit motivated again.
I bought the Jillian Micheals Ripped in 30 day DVD today and just started that. Phew, she's tough! lol...
Can't wait to see how much better I'll look in 30 days and hope to finally be able to update my pounds lost on MFP...
