Addicted to food

How do people lose weight. I LOVE food and I really feel like lately I can't stop. Snacks turn into meals and meals are filled with carbs and breads/pasta's and I don't eat foods that have so many veggies. I don't know I feel like i'm stuck and have no idea how to control my intake on overeating or how portion control when I'm so use to eating way to much. I just feel like I lost my groove and everything i eat is not healthy or way to much or eating way to often. Are there any nutrition people out there who know how I can train my body to eat less and what foods I should be eating and to stay away from and how to get my body use to eating less with out starving? thanks Guys I could really use the help =]


  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    You have to plan for weight loss. You have to gain self control. Keyword SELF. No one can make you buy veggies instead of cookies. You have to tell your self you are ready to lose weight and get healthy. 1st step would be to buy the right foods and start exercising slowly. Ask your self if you are really ready? You can do research online to see what are some ways you can alter your meals. Be real wit your self. You can't honestly say you wanna lose weight with out committing to your self first.
  • DulceDollie
    I'm no nutrition expert but I am all too familiar with what you've described. And to my own heartbreak, I've found that sugar is a HUGE culprit in overeating and cravings. Try to lessen the sugar you consume for a week, just to prove a point to yourself. Continue if you see the benefits. You'd be amazed at how much less you eat. Don't cut out ALL sugars, of course. Fruit is a really great source of the kind of sugar (I personally believe) your body needs. Sugar grows more cravings which grow more cravings and so on. Sugar creates the need for more sugar, and more sugar and more. You get what I'm trying to say. I'm the biggest dessert-lover you'll find out there. And I hate to say it, but sugar can really have a negative affect on your diet. So in a nutshell, from my personal experience, I would suggest cutting back on your sugar. It may be hard to do, but you owe it to yourself. It makes a huge difference for me. Look at labels (which will include grams of sugar) and try to be more mindful of what exactly you're eating. Good luck!
  • angebean
    angebean Posts: 195 Member
    the best thing I ever did to help with my cravings is to follow the south beach diet phase 1. You feel like you are dying the first 2-3 days, but after that your body just stops craving.. Like SaraBentley said, sugar is a main driver of your cravings and you need to eliminate it completely and get your body back on track, then you can slowly add it back in the right way...
  • jpamplin28
    jpamplin28 Posts: 76 Member
    It's something I still struggle with. You have to choose what you want more. But that still doesn't mean that you will be perfect. Today (well yesterday now ) was a really bad day for me calorie wise not as bad as in the past but still not good. But you know's done and tomorrow I will pull myself up and get right back on track. I have also noticed that sugar triggers me eating more. I usually limit my sugar intake because when i don't I find myself eating off plan. Just remember that if you have a bad day that doesn't mean you should give up. Just keep on pushing toward your goals.
  • BrittanyLynne21
    BrittanyLynne21 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I've already lost 19 pounds so I know it can be done its just that i'm feeling a bit burned out right now. Its hard! I don't actually eat a lot of sugar. I am allergic to gluten so that eliminates all cookies or browines things like that. My problem is salt. I crave salty things like fries or burgers or gluten free mac and cheese or bologona haha. Idk if these things have lots of sugar in them but Its so hard not eating these items
  • Afrikangirl
    Afrikangirl Posts: 54 Member
    First I said...if Oprah can do can I. Then Oprah failed BIG time. Now I say...only I can do it. I have the kind of body that makes me feel like I am going to die if I don't eat right NOW. Once you have eaten a proper balanced can ignore that persistent urge to eat more. You are not going to die....and it really only takes a little while to get over it when your body turns up the fake urgent hunger. Ride it out several time and you will find that you get more and more confident...and gain control of the hunger. YOU CAN STOP...only you can do it.
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    Both carbs and sugars make you hungry. Being awake late at night exposes you to stronger hunger cravings.
    If you stay here and use the food diary every single day and honestly track all of your foods. Keep it private if you like. It's a tool. Don't quit just because you hate to look at the numbers...just do it. It's much easier to cut back when you have to be accountable.

    My doctor prescribed a healthy eating plan as follows and the nutritionists in the office tell us to get into the program gradually so that we can succeed:

    Daily Calorie Intake: 1500 calories
    Add: Multivitamin
    Lean Protein of at least 80 grams per day
    Carbs: No more than 100 per day and no more than 23 grams in any one serving.
    Try to avoid all white carbs like rice, potatoes, pasta.
    Sugar: No more than 12 grams in any one serving.
    He does not set any regulations on sodium, fat, etc. But, he also has a long list of foods to avoid.
    He recommends three meals per day and 2 snacks and not to go more than 4-5 hours without eating. NEVER allow yourself to get truly hungry, but you have to learn to read your hunger cues to know when you are REALLY hungry vs. eating from habit, boredom or something else. If you are hungry in between your snacks/meals, give it 20 minutes before giving in and try to get into something else...maybe the urges will go away.
    Try to exercise, even if only walking 15-20 minutes per day to start.

    Behavior modification is necessary to change the constant have to learn to fight your usual patterns that make you hungry....but that's a whole different rambling session.....hope some of this is helpful.
  • Wisawobby
    I hear you...I LOVE food and love to cook. I have been trying to buy "new to me" veggies or fruits when I go to the store and then look up a "healthy" way to prepare my new food. I agree with the others - you really have to want to eat better and plan for it. Also all the bread and starches you are eating are turning into sugar in your body and I know the more sugar I eat the more I crave it. When you get hungry try some nuts, a spoonful of peanut butter, some olives...they may be a bit higher in calories but they are healthy fats and keep you satisfied for quite awhile.
  • bhagavatilad1
    First of all stock your refridgerator with fresh fruits and vegetables that you think you like get alot.

    Don't follow the breakfast lunch routine as soon as you wake up start munching on the fruits and vegetables keep eating them in intervals for as long as you can then you'll start craving sugar get some chocolate or yogurt covered pretzels for those cravings but start timing youself inbetween and spread it out over time. Try to read labels sodium means salt the less there is the better for you and same with sugar. After a couple of days you'll realize the foods you were craving were full of salt and sugar so your body keeps going round in circles craving this. Slowly introduce new foods like boiled eggs salads etc on a timely basis breakfast lunch and dinner. Try to drink as much water to detox your body.
  • bhagavatilad1
    slowly start portion control 1 serving size is equivalent to the palm of one of your hands 4oz of anything is 1 serving. Remember that! Eat more serviings of friuts and vegetables and check the food pyramid for daily recommended amounts. Buy a kitchen scale and start weighing you food for portion control. keep a diary of foods you eat and cut back slowly this tool is excellent for that.