Third Day and I'm Learning

love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
Hi! I'm 59 years old and 40 lbs from where I want to be. I interested in becoming friends with a few ladies in similar situations.
This evening, I learned that a red number with a "-" sign in front means I overdid it (protein in this case). I'm surprised at how easy it is to come up short on eating enough calories. I'm sure I'll figure out how to balance my calories and nutrients pretty quickly. So far, I've been chastised each day for eating too few calories. I suppose too many calories would be worse. I've maintained my extra 40 lbs for the last 6 or 7 years by eating too many snacks, which I'm trying to cut back on. I suspect eating a couple of cookies to bring up my calorie count closer isn't the wisest choice.

Other facts about me: I live out in the country in Texas. I'm retired from the Air Force. I taught special ed. for 7 years, but I've been happier working as a sub. for the last 7 years. I take a break from school during tax season to work at H&R Block. I'm the song leader and treasurer for our small church congregation. My husband, whom I'm still crazy about after 16 years, and I have 6 great, grown kids between us and 4 exceptionally wonderful grandchildren. We also have donkeys, chickens, and two German Shepherd dogs. I enjoy gardening, except when it's over 100 degrees outside, which it has been almost every day this summer. I'm praying for rain to help me with a fall garden. I've had my share of rough times, but all-in-all, God has blessed me abundantly. I've learned from my mistakes, and I wouldn't want to go back and try again. I'm happy to be where I am, knowing what I know. God is very good.

Send a friend request if you think we have something in common, or we can help encourage each other to shed our extra pounds.
