Off Days...

Hi there,

Does anyone else find it difficult to get back on track, after having a day or so off?? I am working on a lifestyle change, as opposed to specific diet, and it is helping me heapsl... but if I have a couple of days where I don't stick to my plans and go over the calorie limit, I find it SOOOO hard to get back on track the next day!! It's almost as though I think 'right well I screwed that up so flag the whole day'.

ANy suggestions how to keep yourself motivated on those off days??

Thanks heaps


  • Linsey1973
    Linsey1973 Posts: 75 Member

    I havent any specific advice, and I know I will be having an off day today.

    My aim is to chalk today up as a "miss" and then get back on it tomorrow without dwelling on today. Mondays are bad for me cos I have to work late but need to keep it in check and am lucky to get this app on my mobile to help me.

    Sorry I cant be of any more help x
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    I find keeping logging my food even in bad days helps. Especially if you know how far above your MFP cals your maintenance cals are. As long as you stay below your maintenance calories, it's not really a day off, just not a great losing weight day.

    I know someone on here has said before, they think of those days as "metabolism raising" days. Basically, you're reminding your body that it has plenty of food available.

    Remember to drink your water after the bad day, as you're more likely to have eaten sodium that needs counterbalancing with water.

    This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon, so one day will not wreck a week's worth of good eating. (As long as you're eating healthily the rest of the time)
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    to be honest....i have less off days then more on is just eating different and in the long run you think different....I just try to keep my numbers in the green and learn and grow from i dont have a cheat day once a week, but if i do go over i dont fret, as long if its not everyday :)
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    Yes! I used to have that mentality but at some point I realized that just because I had a huge gross breakfast for 600 cals doesn't mean ok your day is screwed might as well just keep eating everything in sight! It means ok now I should run a little more, eat a light lunch and make up for breakfast throughout the day. Log everything. Be accountable. Realize you will have days that you are not perfect or within goal but consider those days maintenance days. If you have a bad night eat watermelon te next morning, it's a natural diuretic and sort of cleanses your body out. And always drink lots and lots of water. That's all I got!
  • lmanzi219
    lmanzi219 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey! I always have the same problem. The last two weekends have both been awful, so bad in fact that I undo pretty much all of my work that week... very disheartening, I know how you feel. Lately I have been avoiding the scale and drinking LOTS of water. Last week I went camping and ended up eating candy, half a bag of marshmallows, and a burger and thats not all. I weigh in on Thursdays and that Thursday I had my lowest which was 131.2. By Monday morning the scale said 136.0!!! I wanted to scream and was so mad at myself but I drank lots of water, got my workouts in, didn't look at the scale until Friday and I was at 132. Just try to think about how good it feels to see that good number. You can do it. You can always get it back and it's never too late. Plus we gotta relax and enjoy food, especially our favorites once in a while otherwise we'll go crazy!! I know I would. Good Luck!!!
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    I also log my food on off days. Just start again tomorrow. Don't even think about what you have eaten. It's a new week, a new start. I haven't exercised today, cause I can't be bothered and my foot hurts lol its gonna be one of those days. And tomorrow.

    Weekends are always hard for me. You aren't alone though