I may actually use the forums now

Hi! I joined this about a year ago and never really used it, so rejoined again now. I figured if i'm actually going to do this i need more of a support network, so i hi guys!

A little background about me - I'm a 20 year old care assistant from the UK, and i'm diagnosed EDNOS, which means i display ana/bulimia tendency along with binge eating disorder (not to be confused with binging and purging associated with bulimia)
SO, im trying to do this more healthily and lose this bloody weight!!


  • jaqui71
    jaqui71 Posts: 14
    welcome back
  • kaffmc
    kaffmc Posts: 20
    welcome back hun, we are all in this for the same thing and the support is amazing, i have found MFP brilliant and if i want to know anything just ask and i`m sure someone will have the answer you are looking for, good luck, feel free to add me as a friend ok x
  • Welcome back.