
In April I weighed 259lb (18.5 stones, 117kg in the new money). In 37.5 years I never did a thing- no exercise, no attention to diet, nothing. I like food like some people like soap operas: a couple of times a day, easy to get into and lasting for at least half an hour. Exercise was a closed book: opening that book would mean exercise in itself and really, who can be doing with all that?

I had a bit of a wake up call one day when hit with the heavy realisation that my other half has said absolutely nothing complimentary about my appearance in 10 years, no exaggeration. But then, how could she really? I went a bit peculiar for a little while and crashed from 259 to 220. Now, that's not the brightest thing I've ever done and to be honest, for a full list of the stupid things I've done we'd need to create a whole new internet just for my personal use.

So anyway, I've given myself a strong talking to and here I am. I'm eating very carefully, but eating well. I've started lifting ridiculously expensive bits of metal and I today did the second day of C25K. I'll be having one day off per week when it comes to physical jerks.

If you're one of those people who's not terribly motivated and resents the fact that you have to get your act together (while secretly admitting that you're actually kind of starting to see what it's all about and although not right now you can see that you might begin to enjoy it soon), I'm with you. I need someone to shout at me from time to time- I'm not one of those who responds well to platitudes and motivational snippets.