am i wanting too much???



  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    I started out at 330. I had to lose about 50lbs before I went down a size and even then it was from a 5X to a 4X. I had to lose 40 more pounds to go from a 4X to a 3X/24 on bottom and a 2X/22 on top. Some 24s are comfortable, some are loose.

    If you're 24 years old and following the calories set by MFP and watching your sodium (this is a BIG issue), you should be able to drop 2lbs a week quite easily. If you're not, you might want to consider getting blood work drawn at your doctor's to check for PCOS and thyroid issues. To be frank, you probably should get a full medical workup and blood draw anyhow. I go in every 3 months to check with my doctor who monitors my progress.

    Ultimately though, even if you do everything right, you're going to have slow downs and you need to figure out how you're going to cope with those before you go much further. For me, it's remembering that time will pass whether I want it to or not and a year from now I'm going to be 41 whether I like it or not... how FIT and HEALTHY I will be at that date is the one thing I CAN control so that is what I focus on.

    I have a MFP friend who started the same time that I did and she was always a few pounds ahead of me on the lost ticker until she got a new job and fell off the wagon. She's now at 31lbs lost (which isn't bad at all) while I'm at 91. Selfish as it sounds, I don't want to be the one looking at another friend's profile months from now and thinking "Wow, if I'd only stuck with it I'd be there too."