Make it count, train like there's no tomorrow

I'm about to head off to the gym for my big workout of the week, and I am ready!

As a former football player I use the same mentality of game preparation as I did for football. I don't just show up at the gym and say "oh that looks like fun" "Let's try that" No, when I wake up on Sunday morning it's Game-day for me.

My workouts are planned out before I get there. Not only does this make it more time effective it also makes the workout more effective.

Energy wise Sunday's are always the best because I have a calorie-filled Spike Day on Saturday so my muscles are primed and my glycogen is loaded.

I have a 20 gram pure protein drink when I get up mixed with 5grams of creatine.
Then I head to the gym.
On the car ride I start to visualize my workout (another bonus of having a predetermined workout plan) I listen to the music that pumps me up too, very loud!

At the club I am all intensity, it's a ready set go mentality.
I train to failure and put everything into my moves.
I make every set count, and every rep has a purpose.

I'm done in about 30 minutes, and I have my post-workout whey and go on with my day. With the endorphin's running high.



  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    This sounds like what I do. For me, gym day is game day. I wake up with an attitude and start focusing on my workout hours before I am there. Before I go to the gym, I pick my exercises for the day, look back at previous workouts in my journal to see what I have done before, and make mental notes of what I want to accomplish when I am there.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Hey J, It's pretty safe to say you are freakin ripped!!!
    Your back is sick bro
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Hey J, It's pretty safe to say you are freakin ripped!!!
    Your back is sick bro

    Thanks Russ! Getting there.