I am About to Lose My Motivation

I hit a plateau. I weigh in once a week and this morning was weigh in day. I feel like it's been a month since I've had any significant weight loss. I've had vacations and camping trips but I thought I was still doing good with my weight. I still tried to keep up with exercising. Because of the heat I haven't been running. I was running three times a week. The way I started to change my lifestyle was when I took a couch to 5K last September. It seemed like as long as I was running, I was losing weight. I still work out five times a week and I take indoor cardio classes and Zumba. I just don't feel like it is as effective as running. I also have added weight training this past month twice a week and I don't know if that is affecting the weight. And I'm not even losing inches anymore. I just don't know what to do anymore. I know I need to keep on moving and eating healthy, but I really wish at least a pound will come off. It is really hard to keep moving when I haven't seen results in a while. And to top it off I'm only about 5 pounds away from my first goal weight. Right now that seems so far away. I need motivation.