30 Day Shred - Started 8/13/2011



  • D3 L1 DONE!!! I decided to do my regular bootcamp class today so when I started to do today's 30DS I thought I was going to DIE!!! Definitely felt the burn!!!! I'm having to modify some of the workouts due to my knees cracking like rice krispies. I hope the pain goes away soon that way I can do the full range of motion. Ready for DAY 4!!!! Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hey! Just finished L1D1 and it was great! It really got a sweat going! I love that the moves change with each circuit. There's nothing more un-motivating and boring than repetitive moves. My last workout DVD had 1 circuit which was repeated 3 times and I dreaded it!
    Im a 'Biggest Loser' fan and I really feel like Im in the 'Biggest Loser Ranch' with Jillian when I do the DVD! haha It's great.

    So here are my measurements for Day 1:

    Neck 13"
    Bust 35"
    Waist 31"
    Tummy(widest part) 38.75"
    Bum 39.75"
    Hips(widest part) 39.29"
    Thigh (R) 23"
    Thigh (L) 22.25"
    Calf (R) 14"
    Calf (L) 14"
    Arm (R) 12.25"
    Arm (L) 11.5"

    Weight 155.6lbs

    BRING ON L1D2!!!!!!!!!
  • kezziemc
    kezziemc Posts: 51 Member
    Level 1 day 2 complete...... That was a tuffy!
  • kate8085
    kate8085 Posts: 62
    L1D3, Done! Keep up the awesome work everybody.
  • Hi there!!! I just finished D4, L1. Whew... it was a doozy! But I am done and looking forward to D5!!! I kinda feel like I am already losing inches and possibly pounds. I am not going to weigh until Saturday. I talked my boyfriend into doing this with me and I am so excited that he has actually doing each day with me! In no time we will be swimsuit ready for our cruise!!! I just know it!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!! We can do this!!!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i started the 30ds on monday, aug. 14.....i forgot to measure myself.....but i will post pics after i finish.....
    i know my starting wt. is 208...hopefully i will have lost lots of inches and lbs.....
    i am here to encourage
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i finished L1D2 today....i dont think ive ever sweated as much as i did today.....i also did 25 min. on the elliptical before that, so i was really sweaty.....i felt amazing though....every move i make now i can feel the soreness.....but tomorrow is day 3......bring it on jillian, bring it on=)
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Great work everyone! We're all off to a good start :) Finished L1D2 today and it was already easier than Day 1 :) Im pretty used to regular exercise anyways so i wasn't that sore today which was great cos I was able to get the most out of the workout :) I like the fact that Im able to follow Natalie for all the moves! The only modified versions I use would be for the push ups and maybe the squatting exercises but Im pretty sure Im getting down to a 90 degree angle for those or really close anyways, so Im really happy so far!

    Keep up the great work everyone! I hope to get more exercise in this evening... might even push for a big burn workout at the gym! We'll see :)
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Level 2 Day 5 tonight. Level 2 is tough but like level 1, I can feel it getting easier as I get the days under the belt.

    Switching up to Level 2 isn't nearly as tough as those first few days of Level 1 though. You guys are over the hump, good job!
  • kate8085
    kate8085 Posts: 62
    L1D4, Done! Felt pretty good! I don't know why, but the 1st set of cardio kills me everytime. The last set I feel like is easier and I am pushing harder.

    What size weights is everyone using? I am using cans from my pantry right now. Haha. I want my arms to be slimmer, but I don't want them to be bulky.
  • Nancymcgregor
    Nancymcgregor Posts: 150 Member
    D6 L1 OMFG! My quads are swearing at me right now! ouch. I wasn't going to do it today because D5 was so tough but I did it. There's definately something nasty going on in my quads though. They are hard as rock all the time and really painful when I squat. The cardio is getting easier and I'm dipping lower in the lunges. I love this workout and by body is already changing.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    L1D4, Done! Felt pretty good! I don't know why, but the 1st set of cardio kills me everytime. The last set I feel like is easier and I am pushing harder.

    What size weights is everyone using? I am using cans from my pantry right now. Haha. I want my arms to be slimmer, but I don't want them to be bulky.

    Don't worry about bulking up. It's virtually impossible for ladies to grow bulky muscles without steroids or hormone supplements - you just don't have the testosterone...
  • L1D4, Done! Felt pretty good! I don't know why, but the 1st set of cardio kills me everytime. The last set I feel like is easier and I am pushing harder.

    What size weights is everyone using? I am using cans from my pantry right now. Haha. I want my arms to be slimmer, but I don't want them to be bulky.

    The cardio and the lunges take a toll on me. The lunges kill my knees!!! I am using 5 lb weights and believe me you can feel them afterwards but its a great feeling! I already feel like my arms and legs are getting more defined. I am really excited about the outcome of this challenge! :happy:
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    L1D3 Done!!! Whoop! I did the workout twice yesterday and twice today since Im not doing any other exercise. Im not really sore at all, just my calves are a little tight but its totally bearable :) I hate the first set of cardio aswell! My heart is about to leap out of my chest by the end of those 2 minutes! And the lunges are also a killer but Im doing the advanced ones so I feel much better about them being tough!
    Also using 5lb weights for all except the side lunges in the last circuit because my arms can't handle it! Using 3lb weights for those. And I also am loving the push ups now, I think Im already getting stronger in my upper body and my arms are definitely one area that need definition :)
    So Day 3 done and dusted and Im already looking forward to D4 tomorrow! Won't be long now before we're onto L2!!! Yay!
  • kate8085
    kate8085 Posts: 62
    L1D5, Done! I think maybe looking at Jillian's arms throughout the workout is what freaks me out about being bulky. I want my arms to be less flabby and more defined for sure, but not like that. Not that my arms would ever look like hers, but you know what I mean. Ha!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    L1D5, Done! I think maybe looking at Jillian's arms throughout the workout is what freaks me out about being bulky. I want my arms to be less flabby and more defined for sure, but not like that. Not that my arms would ever look like hers, but you know what I mean. Ha!

    It's also virtually impossible for anyone (man or woman) to build and grow new muscle tissue while eating a caloric deficit. To build muscle you need to eat a caloric surplus.

    The best you can do is maintain the muscle tissue you've got and at the same time strip the fat from around it so that your skin shrinks around the muscle showing it off. This is how the 'toned' look happens :)
  • kate8085
    kate8085 Posts: 62
    Thanks jayb0ne!
  • kate8085
    kate8085 Posts: 62
    L1D6, Done! Going out of town for two days. taking my DVD with me and hoping to not skip a day tomorrow. Should be home in time on Sunday to get it done. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    L1 D4 completed :) It's getting easier!
  • I started L1 on 8/17/11 at 1:00 am (couldn't sleep) I was a little intimidated at first but I actually like it...I must be doing it wrong :smile:

    Keep up the awesome work!