spinning class



  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I just started spinning classes last week and already hooked. I would recommend at least 1 bottle of water and if you can't stand sweat in your eyes then bring a towel or sweatband.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I love spinning especially with the right instructor with the right music. My heart rate gets really high during spin....even now 2 years later. You can constantly challenge yourself by increasing the resistance. I have been told with "hard" work (not just spinning the pedals with no resistance) you can burn 600-800 cals in an hour.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    The pain in the crotch area generally goes away after a couple weeks once you learn proper form on the bike and get used to it a little more. Then the gel seat isnt necessary lol
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    The pain in the crotch area generally goes away after a couple weeks once you learn proper form on the bike and get used to it a little more. Then the gel seat isnt necessary lol

    This is true! I didn't have to have a gel seat today and no pain in the nether regions today!