
Just to say hi.
previously lost 4st calorie counting, but after 2yrs at uni and a full time job at the same time unfirtunatly it was choice between study or exercise, study won and now i'm back to pretty much were i was 2 yrs ago. Found the MFP app on my new android pone. hope to get down to 140lbs. currently 182lbs.



  • GaryNZ
    GaryNZ Posts: 4
    Wow that's great, keep up the good work..

    See ya...Gary
  • winterjade
    winterjade Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Clare!

    You will get to your goals! Just keep focus and come to the message boards for encouragement :)

  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    You have come to the right place for support!!! Stay motivated keep pushing and share your success!!!
  • sayambular
    sayambular Posts: 205
    Welcome!!! Remember, you ARE strong and more than capable of doing this!!! STAY POSITIVE!!!
  • wow thankyou all for the messages. i intend ti stick to it this time. x
  • Welcome sweetie...glad to have you here and Way to go for starting again...You are worth it, and you gotta love yourself and decide that you matter enough to put down the bad food/habits and start eating the right kinds of foods and exercising...You can do this!!! This site is very encouraging and motivating...I absolutely love my MFP peeps !!! I shall send you a friend request now!!!