Everyone tells me to stop loosing weight now.



  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    I think a lot of times when someone loses a lot of weight the difference is so great that people think they've hit goal before they really have.

    I totally agree with this! I think people get used to seeing a "bigger" you and when you lose the weight they're not used to seeing you that way! You need to do what you feel is right! If you feel comfortable losing more, go for it! Congrats on your success thus far!
  • mikerouse
    mikerouse Posts: 33 Member
    This is something I have some experience of. You don't look ill, don't worry about it. Stop losing weight when you feel ready to.

    People tell you to stop for a variety of reasons from genuine concern to jealousy. Generally speaking people don't expect to see somebody making such a massive change in their lives - we just don't change that much during our lives, so when somebody comes along who is changing it makes people react in a strange way. They'll be concerned that such a drastic change is healthy (an act of self-soothing rather than altrusim) or they'll be outright jealous that they haven't changed themselves or hit their own goals.

    People fundamentally hate change. It's their problem not yours.
  • sleepy184
    sleepy184 Posts: 109 Member
    Again, Thanks everyone.

    To answer a few of your questions.

    My height is 5 foot 6 inch.

    My current BMI is 27.9 and I am aiming to get to around a 25 or slightly less.

    I have consulted my doctor on my weight loss following peoples concern and he said that I should aim to loose another 2 stone.

    I think it is very true what people say about others being jelous. Some of these people giving me the advice have tried to loose weight themselves and havnt managed it. They get upset at themselves but why take it out on me!

    My wife is now trying to loose some weight as she see's me catching up with her weight and she does not want me to weigh lighter than her! LOL
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Your BMI is 27.9, but what's your body fat percentage? For me, at 8% body fat, my BMI will be 29.8. Now, 15% body fat is normal for a male, and I'm looking to get down below that, and even getting below that, I'll be well over a "normal" BMI. Unfortunately so many doctors seem to stick to BMI charts and make recommendations off of that, when really, BMI is a terrible indicator for individual well being. It was even said in the study that introduced the BMI system that it was only useful for general population studies, and is absolutely meaningless on an individual basis.
  • sleepy184
    sleepy184 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks Tigersword,
    My Body fat percentage is 26.8 so by that everything is still pointing to the fact that I still need to loose some more weight.
  • sleepy184
    sleepy184 Posts: 109 Member
    Spoke to someone else today who said I had an illness as I was loosing too much!!!!! Is our society today sooo used to large people that people of the correct weight look ill!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    You've got some great advice so far :) Looks like you have your ducks in a row :D

    One more thought. Stop telling people you want to lose more weight. Instead, tell them you are working out and trying to get more fit by replacing fat with muscle. That's the actual goal after all, the total weight number is mostly meaningless. Might help them understand your overall goals better.