Argh - cheat day overload!

So...I took my Mum out for a bday meal at an 'all you can eat' restaurant called Cosmos (what mama wants, mama gets) and I had the best of intentions before I got there, I looked at what was on offer yesterday and tried to gauge and track what i 'thought' I'd be eating. I exercised Friday, Saturday and today and only had porridge and fruit until dinner today...

...I arrived and ended up trying everything from Chinese, Thai, Indian, Seafood, Dim Sum and Sushi and that was before I got to the desert cart where I tried a bit of everything and the choclate fountain!!!!!

I obviously have no willpower, I really couldn't stop once i started. I suppose I have to put it down as experience and not dwell on it. I was going to try and eat my exercise calories this week but I think it might just be best to stick to my 1200 as i went 847 calories over and that was with 648 exercise calories :(

Tasted good though ;)


  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    At least you enjoyed yourself! (I'm super jealous.) Not many people have willpower where buffets are concerned. As long as you don't beat yourself up for it, you'll be ok! Today's a new day to start fresh.
  • sueannw
    sueannw Posts: 1 Member
    Tomorrow is another day . Don't let one day turn into a week. You can do it.
  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    don't worry about this happening just one day! your body will be ok :o)

    that being said; you probably should've eaten more regularly throughout the day (breakfast AND lunch) so that you wouldn't've been as hungry at dinner time. the best of intentions can be trumped by ravenous hunger!!

    i hope mama enjoyed her bday!!
  • ashanti1982
    Thank you both, you're absolutely right, I have to keep going :)
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member

    Pick yourself up and keep going! ;)

    Next time you'll be a bit more careful but its time to get back on track with the next meal..

    Every ounce counts!

    Take care and I'm glad you enjoyed your wonderful meal.. at least that part was worth it! *winky*
  • ashanti1982
    Thanks Cabul3, i think I should've eaten before as I was so hungry by the time I got there and then I went buffet crazy! My Mum had a lovely bday thanks :)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If it was delicious and you had fun, it was TOTALLY worth it. We can't restrict ourselves all the time! Get up tomorrow and get back on track!
  • AngelaWeber
    AngelaWeber Posts: 95 Member
    Wow, that's a lot of calories. Its good to indulge every now and then though. As long as you don't make it a habit and maybe not so much indulgence? You would think loosing weight would be the easiest thing to do. After all, we control what we put into our mouths right? I kick myself if I loose self control and eat a reese cup or two (my favorite candy). Its like ugggh, why did I HAVE to put that in my mouth, chew it and swallow it. I could have choose a piece of fruit instead. But hey it happens. I told myself today that for certain occasions, birthday, anniversary, thanksgiving, etc. It'll probably be at least 6x's in a 365 day period that calories will mean absolutely nothing to me. I will eat whatever I want without fretting over the calories. I will also make sure to exercise plenty though.

    Good luck on your journey! Climb back on the wagon and keep pushing on!!

  • ashanti1982
    Thank you all so much, I am so glad I wrote this post as now I don't feel so glum (or like a total failure), today is another day, I intend to wake up tomorrow and get straight back on it, which is good as I used to think 'I've blown it now, I may as well eat more' but this time I won't do that plus I will workout extra this week.

    Thanks guys x