Heel pain

For the past few weeks I have had this awful pain in my right heel. It comes and goes but when it hurts it HURTS. I tried changing shoes and using inserts and all that good stuff. My poor husband has even massaged it but the pain will not go away for good. I have never had one but I was thinking it could be a heel spur? Has anyone ever had a heel spur or pain in the heel?


  • lisab42
    lisab42 Posts: 98 Member
    Could be a spur, could be plantar fasciitis. Either way you should go see a dr for a diagnosis. Feet are not to be messed with.

    Good luck.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    This is not something to mess with!! You need to make an appointment with a podiatrist.
    My right foot always pointed to the right.(never straight like the left one) & they had to cut my heel off, put a 77mm screw in to straighten my foot & sew my heel back on.
    Also your weight could have something to do with it & that (again) is something to ask a podiatrist about.
    Now, I am not saying that it will be as bad as what I went through, but again - it is not something to mess with.
  • ezrida
    ezrida Posts: 36
    I have plantar fasciitis and my symptoms are about the same.
    I think you should wait a few days and if the pain doesn't come back - do not worry about it. If it does come back you should get a professional diagnosis. You can find out about plantar fasciitis symptoms in the following website:
    The more symptoms you have the chance is you might have plantar fasciitis - go to the doc!
    Take care & Good luck
  • LaraJL
    LaraJL Posts: 2
    1 in every 10 people suffer from heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis, and 75% of Americans suffer from foot problems at some point...this means you're definitely not alone! What's great is there are tons of information resources and heel pain solutions out there. What many Doctors And Podiatrists attest to, is that stretching the muscles around the heel and protecting the heel from impact, are two easy ways to heal your pain.

    Try using both a protective heel cup (protects from shock of walking, etc) and stertching the calf, achilles, and plantar fascia. You can buy the #1 selling Tuli's Heel Cup and the ProStretch Plus (stretches the lower leg) at www.medi-dyne.com. Use the code MDSMR11 to receive a special discount from this referral!

    It is important to visit a doctor to determine the cause of your heel pain. Sometimes pain is not necessarily caused by the source of the pain itself. Good luck, hope to see you've recovered soon!
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Could be a spur, could be plantar fasciitis. Either way you should go see a dr for a diagnosis. Feet are not to be messed with.

    Good luck.


    Been there and done that.

    There are shoe inserts with a hole in the heel that can help with the pain of walking on it.... but you really need to see the Dr.