Don't understand

Been doing this for about a month. Lost 1.5kgs first week, same the following week.
The next week, I gained 2kgs! And this week I seemed to have gained 1kg! WTF?!?!

I'm eating healthier than I ever did on WW and I did that for over a year and dropped 26kgs (mostly without exercise!)

Now, I'm doing 30DS pretty much every day, kickboxing 2x a week (past 2 weeks off mind you) and I've GAINED?!

I know people say that you do sometimes gain during 30DS, esp if you haven't exercised before, but this recent gain isn't helping my motivation.

I've had a couple of nights "off" the past couple of weeks, but that should hardly count towards this much, surely?

My diary is open if you want to criticise. I know my sodium is over sometimes. Yes my water is okay, most days.

Also time of month atm.

^ I know they're all contributing factors, but still feel like ****.


  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    diary is not opened
  • shrek1970uk
    shrek1970uk Posts: 83 Member
    I also cannot open your diary :-)
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    When U exercise, do U eat your exercise calories back? I don't eat them back and I lose 2-3 lbs. a week.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Hopefully fixed.

    And I don't eat them all back. Sometimes I don't touch them, sometimes barely touch, or half or almost all. Depends on hunger really.
  • zowgati
    zowgati Posts: 25
    Just posted a similar frustration on FB! I lost 5 pounds in the first 5 days and now half of it is apparently back despite the fact that I feel great- strong and lean. I have only had 1 day above my recommended calory intake in 3 weeks and constantly get messages to eat more but this is not showing on the scales. I am being extra carefully to accurately estimate food portions etc as I thought this might be the problem. I gain about 500 calories/day in exercise (ranging from 300-1300) and eat some but not all of them, which I think is necessary for my energy. Is the gain muscle? Is the gain important based on how good I feel? Should I stop weighing myself (twice a week) as I am finding it depressing atm? I know I should measure but I'm kinda scared to based on the scales. I don't have alot to lose (10 pounds) as I lost 50pounds 3 years ago and just joined to drop a few pounds as part of my running training. Any ideas welcome!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I weigh myself once a week, first thing in the morning. Also afraid to measure as I think there has been no loss and I will measure after I've done 30DS as tbh, I don't want to feel more down. This stinks.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just a few suggestions:

    * Eat your exercises calories BACK
    - (2nd page has many links to help you understand how MFP works)
    * Your sodium is pretty much constantly high. First of all, eating around 1400 cal, your sodium should be setting to 1800, and try to stick with it.
    * Eat more fresh whole food (more vegi, fruits), less process or fast food
    * Go easy on alcohol when you drink it
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Thanks, I tend to eat quite a bit of fruit, and salad for lunch, but haven't been eating veges as much for dinner.

    I will try keep that sodium at that target range too! And I'll have a look at those links when I get home (at work atm :@)