stuck in a rut

Ugh, I am so tired of platueing. My first mini goal was losing 20 pounds for my friends wedding, and I met the goal just two days before. The wedding was 9 weeks ago and I have only lost a total of 2.5 pounds since then. I have yo-yo'd these same 3 pounds for weeks and it's driving me crazy....lose two, gain one, lose one, gain 1.5.

I don't think it is so much plautueing where I can try something like a cheat day or a new exercise, I think I have just gotten really inconsistent....since the cold weather has hit I am not as excited to jump on my bike on the trainer and ride inside like I was for an actual bike ride at the park, too many weekends I have cheated too much and of course all of the deserts at thanksgiving didn't help.

I know there are going to be set backs and winter is probably the hardest time to lose weight, but I'm just so irritated that in this time I should have ideally lost another 10 pounds or so, but I'm still stuck bouncing back and forth between 3 pounds.

Any words of wisdom or suggestions of how to get back into my "summer frame of mind"?


  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Ugh, I am so tired of platueing. My first mini goal was losing 20 pounds for my friends wedding, and I met the goal just two days before. The wedding was 9 weeks ago and I have only lost a total of 2.5 pounds since then. I have yo-yo'd these same 3 pounds for weeks and it's driving me crazy....lose two, gain one, lose one, gain 1.5.

    I don't think it is so much plautueing where I can try something like a cheat day or a new exercise, I think I have just gotten really inconsistent....since the cold weather has hit I am not as excited to jump on my bike on the trainer and ride inside like I was for an actual bike ride at the park, too many weekends I have cheated too much and of course all of the deserts at thanksgiving didn't help.

    I know there are going to be set backs and winter is probably the hardest time to lose weight, but I'm just so irritated that in this time I should have ideally lost another 10 pounds or so, but I'm still stuck bouncing back and forth between 3 pounds.

    Any words of wisdom or suggestions of how to get back into my "summer frame of mind"?
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    What kinds of foods are you eating?

    I was yoyoing between the same few pounds, too, and then I gave up processed foods and sugar and switched to just eating whole foods. Within days, three pounds melted off. (Granted, I am pretty much at my goal weight, but I was beginning to feel like I needed to go out and buy clothes the next size up.) Processed foods cause inflammation and water-weight gain. I've only been eating this way for a couple of weeks (with a little falling off the wagon over Thanksgiving, and having to start over), so I can't give you long term results from experience. But short-term, I was blown away by how much of a difference eating only whole foods made! I felt leaner almost immediately. :happy:
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    Try at home workout tapes you get to stay inside in the heat at least. Our bodies are so weird when it wants to stay it stays::huh:

  • Felixanvk
    I had the same problem. I lost 10 pound to fit in a dress for my friend's wedding, since I was the made of honor. But after that I lost all interest and gaining most of the wait I loose. This is not to discourage you but you still have time to go back to track. I lost all interest and stop watching what I was eating and not doing excersice.
    Now I am messuaring everything not more than a cup or 8 onz. And it is helping at least to have 30 minutes of walk (well warm) or do high energy excersices. Another thing I will do is to start cleaning my house up to down. And I will not enter to the kitchen at all. You know!
    You will do it! - never is to late to start again...
  • cedargirl22
    cedargirl22 Posts: 29 Member
    Well first, congrats on hitting your first goal two days before the wedding! Sounds like you may need another goal to strive for (and make sure it's for YOU not anyone else!) :happy: Something that keeps me motivated during the winter time is to sign up for a spring or summer race. Then I know I have a goal of something to work toward all winter. Whatever sparks your interest.... 5K, Sprint Duathon, etc.!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Well first, congrats on hitting your first goal two days before the wedding! Sounds like you may need another goal to strive for (and make sure it's for YOU not anyone else!) :happy: Something that keeps me motivated during the winter time is to sign up for a spring or summer race. Then I know I have a goal of something to work toward all winter. Whatever sparks your interest.... 5K, Sprint Duathon, etc.!

    That's a great idea! I did have a goal of losing 20 pounds before my 30th birthday in May, but I think having some kind of walk or event like that planned is a goal that would kick my butt into gear more. Thanks!
  • mimielle
    mimielle Posts: 44 Member
    Do you know of any indoor spin workouts in your area? Usually triathlon or cycling groups will have them in the winter where you bring your bike and trainer for a workout. So you get to meet new people and have that motivation to get a great workout and improve your technique and strength as well.
  • cedargirl22
    cedargirl22 Posts: 29 Member
    No problem! Good luck and hopefully you can find something fun to do. I'm doing a Sprint Duathlon in February! So with that in the back of my mind, I know I need to get my training in....