After eating sleeping

I have a very bad habit, after I eat I always want to sleep especially after dinner time. I have created a horrible eating habit (for years now) where I eat and nap. Now that I am trying to lose weight, and make healthier options it is a problem. What do you guys do after eating? How can I self correct this issue?


  • XxBri22xX
    XxBri22xX Posts: 183
    I usually do a workout about a half hour or so after each meal.
  • rdmchugh
    rdmchugh Posts: 76
    I used to feel SOOOOO sleepy after I ate I was concerned about it! I have found that if I cut WAY back on the carbs and eat more veggies with a bit of protein, I no longer want/need to take a nap after I eat. It took about 3 weeks of clean eating and watching carbs for that to go away.

    You have my sympathy! I am so glad that is gone :)