Recommend good reads?



  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    just finished Kiterunner (awesome), starting The Help (love it), and next up on my list is a biography by Portia de Rossi about her eating disorder called Unbearable Lightness (will let you know :D).
    my hub also just read Stolen Life by jaycee dugard in one day (and he hates reading).

    Unbearable Lightness = Phenomenal! Could not put it down and would strongly recommend it!
  • krevelle65
    krevelle65 Posts: 189
    Anything by Christopher Moore, Fluke, Lamb, You Suck.....
    They are a bit naughty but I laughed my *kitten* off. They are a quick read but make you laugh out loud.

    If you don't mind the f bomb now and then. Most of his books start kind of dry and boring then take a left turn to absurdity.
    Has anyone else read him?
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    i would firstly like to apologize if my book choices sounds beyond lame. haha

    last year I read this book: fallen by lauren kate.
    i'm currently reading the second book in the series called: torment.

    it's on the basis of the twilight saga, but beyond better. It's about angels and demons, but with you're typical story of love.
    it's my girly guilty pleasure, i guess you could say.

    when i was in high school i read a series of books that i could just not put down.
    the author is Amelia Atwater-Rhodes.
    her books: in the forests of the night,
    then there's demond in my view,
    then there's shattered mirror,
    then midnight prey.
    ***all good reads.

    Then my last to ultimately favorite books: The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause
    and then her other book: Blood and Chocolate.

    Like I said before I'm sorry if my choices are utterly lame. haha

    oh another decent book is farenheit 451

    I LOVED Twilight and must've read them a million times through. Them and Harry Potter. You think I'd like these books you've read?
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Some good books I've read recently:

    The Help
    Room - Emma Donaghue
    Unbearable Lightness - Portia De Rossi
    Food & Loathing
    Book of Negros
    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (series of 3 books, all of which are ridiculously good, altho the 1st one does take a bit to get into. so worth it tho!)
    And my last suggestion, embarrassing to admit this but as a former fan of the SVH series, I consider Sweet Valley Confidential a must read. Made me feel 13 again :)
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    if you like vampires etc try the Necroscope books by Brian Lumley. They're awesome, more factual (well) than teenage anst and love triangles of Twilight. I would recommend them

    And the dirk Gently books by Douglas Adams, he also wrote Hitchhikers Guide to teh Galaxy. They're funny books
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    1. In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto - by Michael Pollan
    2. Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating with More Than 75 Recipes - by Mark Bittman (I'm reading it)
    3. The Omnivore's Dilemma - by Michael Pollan (trying to get a book on CDs version)

    "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan is a really great read. I also recommend "The Unhealthy Truth" by Robyn O'Brien.
  • adnama36
    adnama36 Posts: 32 Member
    While completely unrelated to nutrition or weight-loss...

    I can't say enough about "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. It was one of the best books I've read in a while! It even made me cry...and I am not one to cry at fiction! Don't worry...they were "sad, but happy" tears!
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I've read everything written by Nicolas Sparks. Just finished reading "Safe Haven" and it was great. He has also written:

    Message in a Bottle
    The Notebook
    Nights in Rodanthe
    A Walk to Remember
    A Bend in the Road
    The Rescue
    The Wedding
    The Guardian

    and more! If you haven't read him, I highly recommend!