Trolls, flames, hugs and kisses



  • FindingFit50s
    @PatientBear. I love your signature.

    Me, too!!
  • FindingFit50s
    @PatientBear. I love your signature.

    Me, too!!
  • FindingFit50s
    Because the internet is Fight Club for nerds.

    And we can tell by Post totals who rules in the fight ring!! LOL! Heather is my hero... no, heroine - and that's more fitting anyhow, 'cause she's freakin addictive!!
  • FindingFit50s
    Because the internet is Fight Club for nerds.

    And we can tell by Post totals who rules in the fight ring!! LOL! Heather is my hero... no, heroine - and that's more fitting anyhow, 'cause she's freakin addictive!!
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    Generally I'm open and liberal to what people write - in the spirit of free speech but also because of the maths, if you have hundreds or thousands of people posting on a site some comments will be inspired or useful, most will be middling or repetitive, and some will be extreme, bizarre, or not of this planet.

    What I don't find easy to swallow are unjustified rants, preaching, and bull *kitten*. For example there's a poster on this site who regularly deals out the schmaltziest, sugarest, cr*p to garner friends, it's targeted at women, but they lap it up - no quality control they just take it at face value, ignoring the fact they're being preened by a greasy arsehole.

    Posters like that, the misguided, the "I know better than you" brigade, people who post repeating topic questions without researching first on here or via a search engine - all of those and some more need to be taken down a peg or two sometimes with a good troll.

    Unfortunately, that puts me in the "I know better than you" camp, so I'm going to have to go and troll myself now.