TEAM RED HOT ARSENAL - Week 3 (Closed Group)



  • lukybug
    lukybug Posts: 209
    i can commit to many r we each supposed to do to get the team 4000? wanna make sure i do all i need to do

    First, let me just say that I love your commitment! You rock and keep it up :smile:

    Second, for the team 4000 since we are down to 18 people, of which I'm still questioning a few of them, I think to make it to the 4000, the 18 will need to do 223 per person which isn't much at all. I had planned on bustin' out 100 a day for the team 4000. For the personal goal of an extra 1000 over 6 days, that's another 167.

    I can't set your goals, but I think the above will give you a rough estimate as to what you need to do for the team 4000 and personal 1000.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    good deal. to make things easy im gonna do 250/day. that will put some extra towards the team :o)
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    AUG 15th

    Challenge done
    Water done
    Calories under
    No crunches on this day but will kill it today!
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    good deal. to make things easy im gonna do 250/day. that will put some extra towards the team :o)

    I can do 250 /day as well... We need the points!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    How often do you guys weigh? I weigh every day. I just cant help it. I usually only track my Thursday weight but i just cant stay away from the scale
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    Monday, August 15
    Water done
    Calories under
    Challenge NOT DONE - am doing with the 8/16 challenge

    I'm committing to 1000 crunches for the team and the 1000 crunches for extra 10 points.

    Will post today's activities in a few hours.

    Later RHA!
  • krevelle65
    krevelle65 Posts: 189
    I weigh everyday, but only record on Friday and Sunday, I don't like the numbers I am seeing but, I have never worked out this much..
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    How often do you guys weigh? I weigh every day. I just cant help it. I usually only track my Thursday weight but i just cant stay away from the scale

    I weigh myself every morning as an incentive to stay on track (and to punish myself if I fall off the wagon LOL).
  • lukybug
    lukybug Posts: 209
    I weigh everyday, but only record on Friday and Sunday, I don't like the numbers I am seeing but, I have never worked out this much..

    I don't know if you watch it, but start watching your sodium. Also, I've found that if I eat all of my calories prior to 6 p.m. I will see a drop. If I eat after 6, even if it's within my calories, you can just about forget seeing a nice number on the scale. Just a thought. I don't know what your eating habits (time wise) are like.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I weigh everyday, but only record on Friday and Sunday, I don't like the numbers I am seeing but, I have never worked out this much..

    I don't know if you watch it, but start watching your sodium. Also, I've found that if I eat all of my calories prior to 6 p.m. I will see a drop. If I eat after 6, even if it's within my calories, you can just about forget seeing a nice number on the scale. Just a thought. I don't know what your eating habits (time wise) are like.

    Will take that in. Though sometimes I don't finish exercise till after 6 (eg if I have a class) but on days it isn't like that I will eat and then work out when tummy is settled.

    Can my crunches in 30DS count? Or is this additional?

    I'll let you know after what I can commit to our totals.
  • krevelle65
    krevelle65 Posts: 189
    I weigh everyday, but only record on Friday and Sunday, I don't like the numbers I am seeing but, I have never worked out this much..

    I don't know if you watch it, but start watching your sodium. Also, I've found that if I eat all of my calories prior to 6 p.m. I will see a drop. If I eat after 6, even if it's within my calories, you can just about forget seeing a nice number on the scale. Just a thought. I don't know what your eating habits (time wise) are like.

    I am in another challenge that is to stay under on sugar, so I am avoiding sugar and i seem gravitate to sodium. Next week should be better. Thanks for the tip on after 6 Pm
  • krevelle65
    krevelle65 Posts: 189
    August 16
    Water over
    Calories under
    Challenge done
    50 crunches for team
    200 crunches toward 1000
    This is becoming an obsession
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281

    Aug 16
    Cals under
    Water ok
    Challenge done

    Will crunch it out tonight
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Today rocked!

    Calories - Under
    Water - Tons
    Extra Mile - Done
    Military presses - Done
    21s - Done
    50 crunches for the team
    200 crunches for the 1000.

    Today was my baby girls 5th b-day! We had tostadas for dinner, got her ears pierces, and went for frozen yogurt. What a fun night :o)

    Ready to kick more butt tomorrow
  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    Aug 16
    Challenge complete
    Under calories
    Water done
    And add 250 crunches for the team (was really regretting that when we got to the ab segment at booty camp lol)
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    Aug 16
    Challenge complete
    Did 252 crunches for the team.
  • lukybug
    lukybug Posts: 209
    Any challenge, crunches included, is over and above what is in your normal exercise routine for THAT DAY.
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    I weigh everyday, but only record on Friday and Sunday, I don't like the numbers I am seeing but, I have never worked out this much..

    I don't know if you watch it, but start watching your sodium. Also, I've found that if I eat all of my calories prior to 6 p.m. I will see a drop. If I eat after 6, even if it's within my calories, you can just about forget seeing a nice number on the scale. Just a thought. I don't know what your eating habits (time wise) are like.

    Hmmm - i think i will try to stop eating past 7 PM because i'm ready to start seeing REALLY nice numbers on my scale.
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    Tuesday, August 16
    Water done
    Calories under
    Challenges for Monday and Tuesday done

    167 crunches for the team
    167 crunches for the extra 1000 per teammate
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Jumping Jacks - Done
    Lunges - Done
    50 crunches for the team = 200 total
    200 crunches for the Grand = 400 total

    Now just have to get the dreaded mountain climbers done...doing all of the challenge together as a workout...quite intense. Most days I just do it one at a time. Mixing it up...Im sweating. Wish I had a HRM