Extreme Yo-Yo-errrr!!

OK, I'm finally admitting it. I'm sitting here Sunday evening feeling very defeated, as tomorrow is Monday, the start of a new week and for me, the first day of my UMPTEENTH diet! I just don't get it, why is it so hard for me? Why do I fail myself miserably over and over again? This is really something I want to be good at- for my health, for my children and husbands heath. I work out consistently, I have no problems there. However, I am a hardcore sugar junkie. I crave sugar from morning until night. I'm in desperate need of some help and motivation. Please help me break this cycle- is wearing on me. I just want to lead a happy, healthy life and be a good example for my kids.


  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    I feel you on this one. For me, its about learning self control. Tonight was barbeque night for me and my fam and I had to measure my potato salad and beans out and only have one piece of chicken and half an ear of corn. I wanted to cry. But I did it. And i still have 498 cal left that i can consume today. Did I want more potato salad? You know it. But i resisted. The same thing applies for me and sweets. I do my best to eat healthier sweets ( fruit, yogurt with honey, rice cakes with nut butter and bananas) but I also allow myself a tiny piece of chocolate.

    skinny cow is my new best friend. They have some great treats that are about 110 cal. provided you only eat one.

    Thats what it always comes back to though, self control.

    So find yourself some healthy alternatives. You cant just quit sugar, but you can weane yourself off of it and you can make healthier choices so that you can afford to splurge every once in awhile.

    Hope this helps some : )
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm a sugar junkie, too!

    Eating sugar the way sugar junkies do causes your brain to release serotonin - making us happy. Thus we love sugar more. And we eat it more and more.

    My personal experience: I needed to become un-addicted to sugar. The first two weeks were hard. I was *****y and all I wanted to do was inhale a pack of Swedish fish. But then I noticed that dried cranberries in a salad satisfied the sugar monster. So did a piece of whole grain bread - I could appreciate the sugar in it.

    I look at my eating habits as a lifestyle, not a diet. "Diet" implies that you're restricting yourself, and when you think that you are restricting yourself, all you will do is think about the next time you can justify eating a cupcake.

    With time, your body will detox and change.

    Your brain wants sugar. Don't let it control you. You are stronger than that.
  • mellissabee
    mellissabee Posts: 19 Member
    Thanx guys!!! I'm trying to exercise some self discipline. That is a huge struggle for me. I guess i'll start with baby steps starting with today!!