Down right SABOTAGE...what's up with that???



  • mmildice
    mmildice Posts: 63
    I really try not to weigh myself on Mondays unless I've had a really bad weekend and want to see where I stand. I try to weigh in on Fridays before the weekend starts.
    Weekends are hard for me as well. Try hard to at least get some exercise in during the weekend and that will help out. Don't stress to much you have to learn to take the good with the bad. This is suppose to be life changing and take it from me it is.
  • PrairieRoseNE
    We went to hubby's sister's for lunch yesterday - I'm on a low sodium diet - guess what we have for lunch?? Ham sandwiches, Fritos corn chips and cottage cheese. Geesh - I almost said I wasn't hungry - but I was - so I ate, grrrrr. I didn't want to be rude and I hadn't thought ahead - so I didn't have a backup plan. The calories weren't so bad - but the sodium was a killer.

    So today's plan is water, water & more water to flush out that sodium. Like my daughter says - "Life happens ya just gotta deal with it MOM!!" LOL
  • 16mixingbowls
    16mixingbowls Posts: 205 Member
    We all do it. Friday I was 226 that was a 4lb weight loss for the week. Was feeling good and on track to stay under calorie till husband decided he wanted In and Out Burger for dinner. No one forced me to eat there but I was curious since the chain has only been in TX for a few months. The next morning I was up to 231, been working hard all weekend to get back to 226. 1 more lb to go. On the bright side I have exercised more in the last the 3 days than I have in weeks!

    At In-N-Out you can order a burger without the bun, but with a few layers of crisp lettuce. One hamburger is 280 calories and 16 grams of fat. I just ate there last night! I had two! They call it "protein style." It's the fries and shakes that set you up for disaster: 395 in the fries and 595 in a shake!!!

    As for the OP, I am starting to accept that once in a while I can go over. It won't derail my progress too bad. As long as I don't go over many many days a week. For example, the first week on MFP I went over (never by more than 100 calories) on 5 days! I was really bummed out by this, but then just set a goal for the next week to not go over more than 3 days. I didn't go over once!

    Also, it sounds like you have a great boyfriend that supports your goals by going to the gym with you. Plus, if you eat your calories back from exercise, look at that cheesecake/wing day as your exercise calories in advance.
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    Great post and great advice, very nice reading.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Did you go #2 before weighing in? You know, we can store up to 12lbs of poop in our intestines....
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Honestly.. it's one day, one weekend.. just start back up today, no biggie.

    I hopped on the scale this weekend after eating out and what not and it said I gained 3 pounds.. that means I would have had to eat 10,500 extra calories.. in 3 days? I think not.

    If calories in/out were a true thing not a myth this would be true but unfortunately it's not. I can gain up to 5 -7 pounds in 2 days just by eating a couple cupcakes(not over 10,000 calories obviously) and yes some of it is water but about 3 pounds sticks with me for 3-4 days until I can get it back off. The types of foods have a lot to do with this. Sugar and some fats activate an insulin rush which instructs your body to store everything you eat as fat not just the extra calories your body is not using.

    I feel you I can go all week doing well get down a pound or two then eat poorly for a day or two and put it all back on plus. Then it takes the whole next week to get back to where I started.:grumble: I think part of it is your body's defense mechanisms it really does not like to lose any mass so it will literally make you crave everything in site to put back on what you lost. Hang in there and try to see if you can catch the thoughts before the eating. What is going through your mind before you eat these foods? Is it something you can talk yourself out of and maybe just have a treat or two instead of the whole weekend? This has helped me.:flowerforyou:
  • Fit_ClaudiaQ
    You're not the only one hun, I used to have that same problems & til this day atleast one weekend every month...consider it your cheat day. Lol! What matters is that you get back up! Best of luck!
  • Eunified
    Eunified Posts: 51
    Did you go #2 before weighing in? You know, we can store up to 12lbs of poop in our intestines....

    LMAO! I almost just threw up in my mouth a little bit.. I had no idea! :noway:
  • renku
    renku Posts: 182 Member
    Road trips and camping seem to do the same to me, I did a lot better when the weather was bad.
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Do you know what I find sexy? My man chopping veggies for our dinner salad! Maybe you could work your food prep together to make healthier choices.
  • 16mixingbowls
    16mixingbowls Posts: 205 Member
    Did you go #2 before weighing in? You know, we can store up to 12lbs of poop in our intestines....

    Is this real??