Back on it!

lizinspain Posts: 8
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
Seems to be a pattern for me! I do really well, feel really good, am very positive, then something happens & I'm back to old bad habits! This time it was my husband coming home for a 2 week holiday, lots of parties to go to & a 5 day holiday in Malta! I know I've put on a few pounds but rather than get depressed about it I am just starting back on track again today & will weigh myself next Monday & go from there! I didn't intend to fall this far for this long from the straight & narrow, but again, fell easily back to old bad habits! :-(
Does anyone else have the same problem? Any suggestions on how to not let it happen again?


  • JennieD2
    JennieD2 Posts: 66
    Yep! I do this on a regular basis. The school holidays are particularly hard for me. All I can do it put the gain behind me and start over. The best advice is not to dwell on it and feel guilty, as tomorrow is always another opportunity to do things right :)
  • VikH46
    VikH46 Posts: 5
    That's exactly how I am. I was doing really well, feeling better in my clothes and feeling in control. Then the food ran out in the house, my house move became very stressful, and the past few days have just been really difficult so have been reaching for the rubbish.

    So, time to shake myself off, go and get some healthy food in, start kicking *kitten* with the packing and stuff again, and hopefully I'll be back on it!

    Good luck to you all.

    Vikki xx
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm the same. This time it was through illness but I just couldn't seem to get back to it, I just wanted to sit with a cup of tea and a cake or cookie several times a day because I felt so tired and low. So I posted in here for help and the replies were all so encouraging and motivating. I also have a few friends that messaged me to get back to it and to say they were here to help. I have been back for two weeks now and I am feeling so much better for it.

    Just take one day at a time. If you have a bad day or few days just pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start again. And ask for help if you just can't do it alone. There are loads of people here to help.

    You can do this. You've done it before so you can do it again. Go for it! :-)
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