Low Carb Veggie List

Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
I had a little trouble on day one with understanding what veggies are lower in carbs, I was thinking any green veggie was low, but string beans tend to be a little higher...I found this list and thought I would share.

When not marked, the servings are 1/2 cup.

Artichoke - 6.9g
Asparagus (6) - 2.4g
Beans, green - 2.9g
Bok Choy - 0.7g
Broccoli - 1.7g
Brussels Sprouts - 7.6g
Cabbage - 1.1g
Carrot - 5.1g
Cauliflower - 1.5g
Celery - 0.8g
Corn - 14.1g
Cucumber - 1.8g
Eggplant - 2.0g
Lettuce - 0.5g
Mushroom - 1.0g
Onion - 4g
Parsnip - 9g
Peas - 6.5g
Peppers, Green - 3.4g
Peppers, Red - 3.3g
Pickle (1 medium) - 2g
Potato - 14g
Potato, Sweet (1) - 28g
Pumpkin - 6.3g
Radish - 0.5g
Rutabaga - 4.0g
Spinach - 0.2g
Squash, yellow - 1.4g
Tomato - 3.2g
Turnips - 2.3g
Yams - 20g
Zucchini (green squash) - 3.3g
