Unofficial Official MFP Announcement: Today is the day!

Good morning my sexy loves! TODAY IS THE DAY! TODAY IS THE DAY! TODAY IS THE DAY! Not tomorrow, not next week, not after the next holiday, but TODAY IS THE DAY! Today is the day you shatter the shackles of self-doubt that bind you. Today is the day you tell the world that you won't listen to the "you can'ts" they throw at you. Today is the day you take ever bit of negativity that is in your life and flush it down the toilet where it belongs. Today is the day that you start healing the wounds that offers have inflicted. Today is the day you start realizing that you are worthy to be loved, worthy to love, worthy of success, worthy of all blessings. Today is the day that you find your inner warrior and understand you were made to be a conqueror, not a quitter and that you can do anything you want!!!!. Today is the day that you know and own that you were created to be a Queen and not a doormat. Today is the day that you look in the mirror and see that you are gorgeous, sexy, hot and just stunning. Because you are! My darling love you are special beyond words, an ever changing, perfect, gorgeous masterpiece. Today is the day that victory is yours!
I love and cherish you!
:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
A cowboy in Texas


  • khawk043
    khawk043 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much, how did you know I needed to hear that.. You rock!! :laugh:
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I am a WARRRRIORR! You are so right. Thanks, Ed!
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Thank you! = )
  • ewhitis
    ewhitis Posts: 132
    Your posts always bring a smile to my face! Thanks for starting out my monday in such a positive and loving fashion!:flowerforyou:
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    There's no quitting in changing your lifetsyle habits! You are such a sweetheart ~ :heart: it!!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Oh my goodness - thank you so much, that was beautiful - straight from the heart! You are freaking awesome!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    Thanks for this - I needed it today.

    I was actually considering a 2-week break this morning becasue I'm so tired of this plateau, but logging on and seeing my MFPal's victories, notes of encouragement, and THIS... well, I'm back at it. I won't let myself down because, as you said, today is the day!
  • Pleasedaspunch
    That was beautiful...thank you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I needed to hear that =)
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    XOXO :smooched:
  • traceywaugh
    was in self doubt mode this morning so thank you cowboy xx

  • TxAngel79
    TxAngel79 Posts: 318 Member
    Needed to hear that today! Thanks!!!
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: You darlins rock!
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    WOW... just what I needed to hear, as always! I printed this out and now having it hanging at work and I am also going to hang it at home next to my goals chart.

    I wish I knew what little angel is on your shoulder telling you what encouragement to share each day. You are such a gift to all of us. I hope you know how much you and your encouragement mean!

    HUGS! :flowerforyou:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thanks for the rainy Monday morning pep talk. I needed that! :smile:
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    So happy that you have decided not to give up. I also have been on a plateau for 3 months. I Finally broke it this past weekend being the 5th plateau in the 15 months its easy to want to quick, but i think about ALL the workouts and changing the way i eat, its not worth it. You can do it!
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    Today IS the day!!! Thanks Ed!!
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    This is awesome! I really needed this today. Thanks for the encouragement. Have a blessed day! :)
  • strohst
    strohst Posts: 146 Member
    THANKS!! I had the worst weekend with food , we traveled a lot and didn't eat the best , I was feeling real crapy this am and reading this made me change my thinking!! THANKS AGAIN!
  • georgiag111
    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    you got that right! TODAY is the day!